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Probability question

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 22 2011 08:04. Posts 15163
The mean IQ of the population of eight graders in a city is known to be 100. You have selected a random sample of 50 children for a study of educational achievements. The first child tested has IQ of 150. What do you expect the mean IQ to be for the whole sample?

If you read this, answer whatever comes first to your mind. I expect 100% correct answer from poker players of course

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93% Sure! Last edit: 22/03/2011 08:43

auffenpuffer   Finland. Mar 22 2011 08:09. Posts 1429

5050/50 for 101?

ERASA   Germany. Mar 22 2011 08:15. Posts 2440

i go with 100

Oskar_123   Sweden. Mar 22 2011 08:16. Posts 401

(100*49 + 150) / 50 = 101
had to think for like 15 seconds, what came first to mind was "it's still 100".

ERASA   Germany. Mar 22 2011 08:20. Posts 2440

hm we are talking about a "mean iq" that implies that there a higher and lower iqs, just because we happen to pick a higher iq first shouldnt change the mean iq, that how i see it.. thank god im not a poker player, given that everbody is saying 101

Oskar_123   Sweden. Mar 22 2011 08:26. Posts 401

  On March 22 2011 07:20 ERASA wrote:
hm we are talking about a "mean iq" that implies that there a higher and lower iqs, just because we happen to pick a higher iq first shouldnt change the mean iq, that how i see it.. thank god im not a poker player, given that everbody is saying 101

the mean iq is by definition 100 for the entire population, that doesnt mean it's 100 for every sample. If we were defining the mean iq of those 50 children as 100 then we wouldnt be able to say what iq the first child tested has before we tested everyone (or the first one tested would always have an iq of 100 as he's the entire tested population at that point).

 Last edit: 22/03/2011 08:28

ERASA   Germany. Mar 22 2011 08:38. Posts 2440

I think your first assumption is wrong, the expected IQ for every sample should be 100. The only real question is, can you isolate the one person in that sample like you did or is the 150 just part of the sample that happens to be brighter than the average, like i did.

auffenpuffer   Finland. Mar 22 2011 08:42. Posts 1429

erasa the problem is that knowing one member of the sample does not justify conclusions about the others.

For example, let's say you play 1000 hands of poker, with the EV of getting aces 5 times. If you hit 4 of them during the first 100 hands, you can't conclude that "ok, I'll probably get aces only once during the next 900 hands". Instead the ev becomes 4 + (EV of the amount of aces gotten during 900 hands)

ERASA   Germany. Mar 22 2011 08:54. Posts 2440

You guys a probably right, thats why i stick to 10$ SnGs :D

Oskar_123   Sweden. Mar 22 2011 08:54. Posts 401

  On March 22 2011 07:38 ERASA wrote:
I think your first assumption is wrong, the expected IQ for every sample should be 100. The only real question is, can you isolate the one person in that sample like you did or is the 150 just part of the sample that happens to be brighter than the average, like i did.

I think you missread my post. That the expected IQ is 100 doesnt mean it's always 100. If we get all-in on a coinflip my ev is 50% of the pot, that doesnt mean we chop the pot every time. Knowing the iq of one of the children is like knowing one of the cards of the board runout.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 22 2011 09:20. Posts 9634

  On March 22 2011 07:16 Oskar_123 wrote:
(100*49 + 150) / 50 = 101
had to think for like 15 seconds, what came first to mind was "it's still 100".

went through the exact same thinking proccess

good article btw

  Idioms such as "errors cancel each other out" reflect the image of an active self-correcting process

why most of us thought its still 100

 Last edit: 22/03/2011 09:22

gawdawaful   Canada. Mar 22 2011 10:32. Posts 9012

150x50, 7500 obviously. Next question

Im only good at poker when I run good 

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 22 2011 11:27. Posts 4946

150 is indeed a pretty mean IQ

bye now 

boreHM   Netherlands. Mar 22 2011 11:55. Posts 1595

sick city with an infinite number of eight graders?

TalentedTom    Canada. Mar 22 2011 12:02. Posts 20070

mean means average , so the highest and lowest are irrelivant

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the sameLast edit: 22/03/2011 12:04

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 22 2011 13:12. Posts 6374

the ultimate answer is
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ban baal 

hoylemj   United States. Mar 22 2011 13:20. Posts 840

off top of my head...100
same as saying you flip a coin 9 times and it's heads, what is the chance of it being heads on the 10th: the same as it's average..or something like that, no?

Jun   Croatia. Mar 22 2011 13:29. Posts 825

In theory it should be a 100, you could ask the same question and replace 150 with 102 the answer will still be a 100( In theory!)

Same about flipping the coin. You can toss it 50 times and it could be 50 times tales, the 51th time the odds will still be 50-50

Life is a coinflip 

Almebeast   Sweden. Mar 22 2011 13:57. Posts 797

You picked one with 150. Now you are to pick 99 from a sample with mean 100.

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

4TM   United States. Mar 22 2011 19:32. Posts 712

You estimate the average of the IQ's you don't know to be 100, add the 150 and divide by 50 (49*100+150)/50

But that was already posted so my bad

 Last edit: 22/03/2011 19:59


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