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Brief rant about people

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terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 27 2011 16:48. Posts 13829
Why do people expect you to have an opinion about everything? It is often most reasonable to hold no opinion or verdict on a topic, especially when it is outside the scope of one's area of study or expertise. People should respect those who choose to reserve judgement when they don't have a very large amount of knowledge about a subject.

This comes up pretty often in my US GOV class. The professor gives an assignment, which he wants you to give a brief answer (1paragraph) and verdict to, on an extremely complex issue. Today I got fed up with it and spent my paragraph trying to outline the variables which an informed decision might rely upon, and then stated that I had no personal verdict. I wonder if I will get full credit.

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 Last edit: 27/03/2011 16:51

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Mar 27 2011 17:17. Posts 14026

I sort of agree with you.

But i think the purpose of having to write a paragraph with your opinion or verdict isnt an exercise to see who has one on every topic, its about challenging you to take a side on something you arent an expert on, seeing how you weigh the options of what you know and how you draw your conclusions from it.

He might like your answer, but he might just think youre being a smart-ass trying to diss his assignments.

TheHuHu3   United States. Mar 27 2011 17:42. Posts 5544

Where did you copy / paste that from, Night?

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

gawdawaful   Canada. Mar 27 2011 17:49. Posts 9012

Probably get an incomplete with a "come see me"

Im only good at poker when I run good 

Surprise   United States. Mar 27 2011 17:55. Posts 275

dude its a college course, you're supposed to have an opinion on some shit when they ask for it

the games you own at, end up owning you 

ytricky   Germany. Mar 27 2011 18:35. Posts 600

Yeah i hate that aspect about alot of people. They just start blabbering about topics, they have no real expertise on. But still they feel like being experts, because they saw that one documentary on television or read this "very insightful website", which obviously are all totally unbiased and the absolute truth and nothing but the truth. People are so afraid of simply saying " i dont know". Thats also why religion is still so popular.

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 27 2011 18:40. Posts 15163

  In contrast, Kahneman and Frederick (2002) offered
an explicit definition of a generic heuristic process of
attribute substitution: A judgment is said to be mediated by
a heuristic when the individual assesses a specified target
attribute of a judgment object by substituting a related
heuristic attribute that comes more readily to mind. This
definition elaborates a theme of the early research, namely,
that people who are confronted with a difficult question
sometimes answer an easier one instead.

Human mind and the subconcious System 1 automatically simplifies what it perceives, so they actually believe their opinion bears significance and that they answered a super complex question fully. That's how human mind works - if you 100% only used you rational unbiased System 2 thinking where you would need to know all facts and weight all pros and cons and alternatives before making an answer you would not be able to make even simple decisions in everyday life properly and they would take you ages.
pp 707-710 for examples and research

93% Sure! Last edit: 27/03/2011 18:57

whamm!   Albania. Mar 27 2011 18:50. Posts 11625

I get all my relevant info at - seems to work out so far

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 27 2011 18:51. Posts 15163

You see because I recently read this paper for my dissertation and my mind connected immediately it with your question/post I now too believe my answer contains full explanation of what you have described, although I might be completely off and there might be lot more to answering your rant.

93% Sure! Last edit: 27/03/2011 18:55

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Mar 27 2011 18:57. Posts 8648

  On March 27 2011 16:17 byrnesam wrote:
I sort of agree with you.

But i think the purpose of having to write a paragraph with your opinion or verdict isnt an exercise to see who has one on every topic, its about challenging you to take a side on something you arent an expert on, seeing how you weigh the options of what you know and how you draw your conclusions from it.

+1 these were exactly my thoughts

Truck-Crash Life 

terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 27 2011 19:33. Posts 13829

Nice lemon. What class are you studying this stuff for? I do a little bit of reading on these topics, pretty interesting

lebowski   Greece. Mar 27 2011 19:37. Posts 9205

I would agree with you on this matter , but it's not my area of expertise

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 27 2011 19:48. Posts 15163

Its for my undergraduate dissertation its due in 5 days (I got 3.8/10k word lolz)
I got a blog on all that (worth 10% of mark ;o)

93% Sure! Last edit: 27/03/2011 19:51

Uptown   . Mar 27 2011 21:07. Posts 3557

I recommend that you go talk to the prof about it during his office hours.

I think he'd appreciate the fact that you're putting actual thought into the assignment.

Half Pot! 

PoorUser    United States. Mar 27 2011 21:48. Posts 7471

yeah concerns about this should be brought up during your profs office hours not on something thats going to get graded

hope you fail and learn to conform

Gambler Emeritus 

terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 27 2011 22:13. Posts 13829

Nice I read your whole dissertation blog lemon

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 28 2011 00:06. Posts 9634

god damn it i really should start learning some advanced english ... had to read the quote about 5 times to have a glimpse of what they wrote

anyway its not about you having opinion on every subject - its about taking a side and having logical arguments defending your point of view ... doubt the professor cares about the debths of your arguments much

otherwise every 2nd student can do that to every assignment and go with "Are you kidding me i cant know everything you ask us about"

blackjacki2   United States. Mar 28 2011 00:07. Posts 2582

This sounds like some bullshit warm up that some teachers give at the beginning of class just to get your brain working and it isn't really graded too strictly except to see that you've participated. Is it actually graded for how well your thoughts are or do you just get credit for doing it? Seems unreasonable to quiz you on some random thing that they haven't covered.

terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 28 2011 00:16. Posts 13829

its just a minor warm up assignment type thing, mostly graded for participation. Assignment thing was not really what I was posting about lol

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 28 2011 00:27. Posts 9634

I dont really get it then .... The majority doesnt expect people to have an opinion about everything. At least not in our society ... Its more the other way around - everyone thinks they/he/she have a good opinion about almost any topic which is ridiculous. I d rather say "i dont know" than look stupid cause I've said something ridiculous. If someone expects you to have an opinion about everything there is most likely something wrong with him psychologically or has a weak character - not admitting a weakness means that the person is infact weak

 Last edit: 28/03/2011 00:27


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