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Brief religious rant

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NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 28 2011 13:41. Posts 4946
Oh lawd... I'm not going to put much effort into this rant just b/c all of you will know where I'm going with it.. just a very tilting email one of our obese employees sent out this morning. Her husband had a brain tumor, had it removed, and the doctors said they found no traces of cancer. Apparently this is special, and living in the bible belt the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that it is a miracle by god. Nevermind the fact that you got the tumor in the first place & his bitch ass would be fucking dead if it weren't for medical science, prayers are the reason there is no cancer. But what really grinded my gears was the *very next* sentence which goes on to say that he will need continued checkup's & treatment to make sure no cancer develops for the NEXT 3 YEARS. But what the fuck, I thought god was the reason he has no cancer in the first place. So why the hell do you need future checkups? Why not just pray mother fucker? I mean I can understand being so diluted as to attribute any positive outcome to an invisible sky man, but if you are going to preemptively pray away the development of cancer, then there should be no need to visit doctors ever again. Obviously they didnt do shit so why waste the time and money?

You may have noticed earlier I emphasized the point of this person being obese. Given her size I am certain she qualifies as morbidly obese, but thats beside the point. The point was that a recent study was released conducted over 20 years that directly linked religiousness to obesity. Again, not too hard for you to fathom, but I'll spell it out anyway; Those found to attend religious functions at least once a week and who classified themselves as religious ended up obese in later years. I think it was something like a 90% correlation. These were people originally of healthy weight, who virtually all became obese 20 years later. Conversely, those who did not identify themselves with religious beliefs, nor attended religious functions with any regularity, were almost all within normal guidelines for physical health.

Point? Meh, I dunno. I just see her dumb fat fucking ass with her dumb fucking religion and think "how fitting of you".

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Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2011 14:05. Posts 34261

lololol how fitting.

Well if it makes you happy there is a good chance the cancer will go back and it will kill the guy.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Arirang   Canada. Mar 28 2011 14:31. Posts 1673

It's really best to not give a shit and try not to hold opinions because otherwise it just tilts you endlessly.

Carthac   United States. Mar 28 2011 15:20. Posts 1343

And people wonder why religious fanatics don't believe in evolution...

If people like her were forced to survive and reproduce through the harsh process of natural selection, her genes would not make it a single generation further in the gene pool. Much easier to say God made the world in 7 days, and told people to not eat his apples or they will be in trouble.

thumbz555   United States. Mar 28 2011 15:23. Posts 3281

Jesus saves.

I click buttons. 

palak   United States. Mar 28 2011 15:42. Posts 4601

  On March 28 2011 14:23 thumbz555 wrote:
Jesus saves.

Passes to Paul
Crosses to John
John shoots


dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

jewlian   Canada. Mar 28 2011 15:43. Posts 153

Hello NewbSaibot! I've read your a post a couple times and I'd like to respond. I know that you said it was a rant and rants usually are loaded with passion and emotion; two factors which may lead to some skewed reasoning. I'm not trying to prove you wrong but perhaps highlight another perspective.

In Christianity, prayer is very important but faith without action is considered to be a huge no-no. James 2:26 states: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." Basically what that verse is saying that you need to back up your prayers with action. You can't just pray and hope for the best - this might be contrary to what you've seen and heard but in terms of the Christianity I know, you need to act. Whether it be wearing a seatbelt or abstaining from habitually consuming high cholesterol foods, you are not exempt from caution as a Christian. To exercise recklessness would be to test God and that's is also a big no-no.

In the case of this woman, yearly check ups would be an example of action. Just because it's gone does not mean it will not return. Why God would do this is another completely different topic that we can get into if you wish.

As for religious people being more obese, I believe this is the study you were referring to (google fu'd it quick). This is a very small sample study and I'd actually think that it has more to do with the high general obesity rates in America than religion. Working at an office is a passive action; does this mean office workers are more likely to be fat? Perhaps there is a higher chance but the average would probably be quite far from being medically obese.

I don't know the full story of that woman and for all we know, she could be a horrible person that discredited the skill of her surgeons. However, I think that making a blanket statement of "dumb fat fucking ass with her dumb fucking religion" unfairly lumps the majority of Christians who do give credit to doctors/surgeons who perform amazing feats with their talent.

Again, I know your post was just a rant and people do get angry; I have definitely said more horrible things in my worst moments. It's always good to blow off a little steam but before you spew hateful words, it's good to stop and think about other people for a second


EDIT: Double post below me, don't know how to delete

TorontoLast edit: 28/03/2011 15:44

jewlian   Canada. Mar 28 2011 15:44. Posts 153

TorontoLast edit: 28/03/2011 15:44

4TM   United States. Mar 28 2011 16:03. Posts 712

^______very well said. I am not religious at all but that was a very well constructed cohesive argument

4TM   United States. Mar 28 2011 16:04. Posts 712

  On March 28 2011 14:42 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

Passes to Paul
Crosses to John
John shoots


Also that made me lol really hard for some reason

Raidern   Brasil. Mar 28 2011 16:57. Posts 4243

really, I don't understand the hate. Christians believe in a god. There's nothing in the world more irrational than believing in something which existence cannot be proved so how the hell do you expect them to act in a rational way in such cases?

im a regular at nl5Last edit: 28/03/2011 16:57

K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 28 2011 17:12. Posts 2202


Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 28 2011 17:18. Posts 5328

i'd just like to rant at the last half of your post. just because religious people are more commonly obese, it does not mean it is because they are religious. these surveys really grind my gears because they never seem to factor in anything into their studies. The fact that more religous people are obese could be the fact that there is more religious people in the southern states and also more fast food chains in the southern states as well.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 28 2011 17:21. Posts 5328

also i don't know but im guessing a lot of people have no choice in weather they choose to be religious or not. Some people are just born with different brains which makes them automatically religious. Just like some people are born with downsyndrome and automatically walk around with no pants on. So yeah, i'm indifferent with religious people even though some religious organizations cause a lot of suffering in the world. In fact im indifferent with pretty much anyone O.o

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

palak   United States. Mar 28 2011 17:37. Posts 4601

  On March 28 2011 14:43 jewlian wrote:

In the case of this woman, yearly check ups would be an example of action. Just because it's gone does not mean it will not return. Why God would do this is another completely different topic that we can get into if you wish.

As for religious people being more obese, I believe this is the study you were referring to (google fu'd it quick). This is a very small sample study and I'd actually think that it has more to do with the high general obesity rates in America than religion. Working at an office is a passive action; does this mean office workers are more likely to be fat? Perhaps there is a higher chance but the average would probably be quite far from being medically obese.

I don't know the full story of that woman and for all we know, she could be a horrible person that discredited the skill of her surgeons. However, I think that making a blanket statement of "dumb fat fucking ass with her dumb fucking religion" unfairly lumps the majority of Christians who do give credit to doctors/surgeons who perform amazing feats with their talent.

Clearly this rant was because the woman is one of the ppl who thanks god for everything and doesn't give doctors any credit for anything. Those types of people are ALL OVER in America, "dumb fat fucking ass with her dumb fucking religion" describes a ton of religious people in america, especially in the bible belt.

Northwestern has done multiple studies, one over 5 years, the other over 18 years. Both showed a correlation between people who are heavily religious and obesity. They think it could be because of the extra dinner and meals many religious people have a church services.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

palak   United States. Mar 28 2011 17:40. Posts 4601

  On March 28 2011 16:18 Stroggoz wrote:
i'd just like to rant at the last half of your post. just because religious people are more commonly obese, it does not mean it is because they are religious. these surveys really grind my gears because they never seem to factor in anything into their studies. The fact that more religous people are obese could be the fact that there is more religious people in the southern states and also more fast food chains in the southern states as well.

These were not factors in the study. They covered people who were the same ages, the same initial weight, and lived in the same areas. The religious ones had a higher correlation for obesity in all geographic locations.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

dnagardi   Hungary. Mar 28 2011 17:45. Posts 1776

I dont think there is any difference between an atheist and a christian, they are both believers of their beliefs and since none of them can prove that they are right ( God exists, doesnt exist) I find it very pathetic when they are trying to make the other look like an idiot.

just my 2 cents.

 Last edit: 28/03/2011 17:46

Carthac   United States. Mar 28 2011 17:46. Posts 1343

  On March 28 2011 15:57 Raidern wrote:
really, I don't understand the hate. Christians believe in a god. There's nothing in the world more irrational than believing in something which existence cannot be proved so how the hell do you expect them to act in a rational way in such cases?

It is rational for a child to believe what his parents have told him/her, but it is irrational for an adult to do research and side with beliefs from a non scientific scripture over mounds of scientific data that stands up through the scientific process

El_Tanque   United States. Mar 28 2011 17:57. Posts 360

  Conversely, those who did not identify themselves with religious beliefs, nor attended religious functions with any regularity, were almost all within normal guidelines for physical health.

cause they're all meth and crack heads duh

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 28 2011 18:43. Posts 5328

  On March 28 2011 16:46 Carthac wrote:
Show nested quote +

It is rational for a child to believe what his parents have told him/her, but it is irrational for an adult to do research and side with beliefs from a non scientific scripture over mounds of scientific data that stands up through the scientific process

which is why you cant expect them to bahave

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 


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