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IDK I'm thrown off so ez

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terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 05 2011 12:27. Posts 13829
Ugh. Today I woke up to my grandma's shrieks as she was attacked and hit repeatedly by my schizophrenic uncle. By the time I woke and crossed the house he was fleeing to his room. I helped grandma off the floor. Called 911 and the police came and committed my uncle. Grandma seems to be ok, she is bruised up a bit, worst part is she landed on her elbow and shoulder when she fell and badly sprained her shoulder or perhaps minorly fractured her clavicle. She complains it hurts but also feels numb, and she has swelling. The paramedics came along with the police and told her to should go to a walk-in clinic to get it x-rayed, I've tried to convince her, but she hates walk-ins for some reason. She is going to have her fucking chiropractor-acupuncturist x-ray her.. of course he isn't nearly as well trained to spot problems as a real doctor. And I have to drive her up to the guy. I'll fucking explode on this guy if he tries to manipulate her body. If this chiropractard gives her an all-clear/put ice on it and she doesn't improve markedly in the next day or two I'll make sure to take her to a real doctor.. She refuses right now. I'm glad she didn't break a hip or anything more serious.

Now the whole first 2/3rds of the day are used up.. was supposed to goto the gym when I woke up, have to wait around for gmas appointment now.. I guess my situation isn't a big deal but.. god damn it if I could have a fucking normal environment that I controlled I would be able to keep my focus on what I need to accomplish. I hope I can pull this shit together and make some money, I need to live on my own so badly.

I'm so angry (at my uncle slightly(mostly at his illness), at alternative medicine leading my grandma not to seek a real doctor, my grandma's gullibility) and tuned up and I can't do a damn thing about any of it.

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 Last edit: 05/04/2011 12:32

Carthac   United States. Apr 05 2011 13:23. Posts 1343

Really sad how schizophrenia can tear apart families, and the person with the illness generally has very little understanding of what they are doing.

Has your uncle been treated for his schizophrenia? There are a lot of new medications and treatments that are coming out that are simply amazing in their efficiency.

thumbz555   United States. Apr 05 2011 14:02. Posts 3281

A lot of chiro's take the "natural" approach to health care, meaning that they believe the body has the capacity to heal itself, so all they do is try to put the body in correct alignment to let that happen. But your grandma is probably 80 something and osteopenic at best, osteperotic at worst and her rate of healing will be incredibly slow given those factors. Acupuncturists are lol to say the least. Chiro's create a dependency among their patients with frequent manipulations of the spine, causing guess what... spinal instability, which will result in needing more manipulations of the spine! In typical health care settings you may see a manipulation, but that manipulation would be followed by exercises designed to strengthen the musculature around the unstable joint, thus creating internal stability as opposed to requiring external (a brace, for example). Just my 2c.

I click buttons. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 05 2011 14:26. Posts 4946

Tell her they are having a super sale on medical stocks at the hospital and if she goes now she can get in on some good investments. If that doesnt work, put a needle on a leaf floating in a bowl of water and say her spirit guide is pointing her in that direction, the direction of a hospital.

bye now 

Sanai   United States. Apr 05 2011 14:26. Posts 643

Damn man, that sounds like a really rough start to the day. I also get easily thrown off by new and crazy distractions. My only advice is that the first step is the hardest, but can be the most productive - when you've dealt with the crisis, you really need to take a deep breath, grab your balls, and do the very next thing on your pre-planned schedule. I've found that just taking that first, difficult step back to the plan is often the key to mastering the rest of the day. So just go to the gym right now without thinking about it, even if it doesn't fit with the rest of the plan, etc.

terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 05 2011 17:04. Posts 13829

Just got back from the chirowanker. I'm going to have some pictures of the x-ray of her shoulder and I'd like to get a professional opinion on it, but I don't know if there is somewhere online that I can get in contact with a doctor who could take a quick look. I obviously can't decipher anything myself from the x-ray. The chiro said she is going to be fine, pointed to a large gap in her bone structure as the primary injury and said she damaged the cartilage there. Any idea where I can find a doctor that could give an opinion?

My uncle's been in and out of hospitals, asylums or w/e they call em, been to several doctors. My grandma handles everything having to do with him though so I don't know or really try to know all of the details. He is apparently currently using a medication that is their "Fall back" and one he's used for decades because he has had averse reactions to other ones they've tried (parkinson's-like symptoms of shaking and loss of motor control). He is a pain in the ass though, he will take his meds for a couple of days or a week or two and then just start refusing to (he started refusing to take his meds again 3-4 days ago), and then his behavior gets bad. Otherwise he just sits around smoking ciggs and has very little/no interest in doing anything else. He doesn't really acknowledge that he is mentally ill.

True, Sanai. I'm back on my own time now and I should go crank out my workout. I can hardly concentrate on anything for more than 30 seconds right now anyway.

whamm!   Albania. Apr 05 2011 20:29. Posts 11625

in before mspainted or 'shopped versions of the x-rays

terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 05 2011 22:19. Posts 13829

Glad I went to the gym ^^


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