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free sc2 coaching

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wshuler85   . Apr 10 2011 04:36. Posts 3
OK...Terran preferably, since i'm high masters terran, taking point inflation into consideration, last season I probably would have ended at around 4k. I usually sit around top 600 in NA. I've been playing BW for about a decade. I am offering free coaching. The best ways to do this is through skype + streaming. I'll do an hour per person, the reason I'm doing this is to gain credibility through LP members who play SC2 and poker who are also winners at their respective stakes, because I would like to eventually trade sc2 coaching for poker coaching. I'm willing to invest quite a while of coaching to only gain lemme know~

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Arirang   Canada. Apr 10 2011 05:15. Posts 1673

Trying to find a winning poker player to coach you for SC2 lessons is going to be pretty difficult.

PplusAD   Germany. Apr 10 2011 05:22. Posts 7180

Poker coaching is worth thousands of dollars
Sc2 coaching is worth shit

So there might be a few people who would do this just cause they have too much money allready ^^

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

Arirang   Canada. Apr 10 2011 05:26. Posts 1673

Yeah well, the chances are, if you are a winning poker player, you are probably smart enough to get good at SC2 on your own. No offense to OP, just being real, is all. Good luck on your search by all means.

joLin   United States. Apr 10 2011 05:39. Posts 3818

worthwhile poker coaching is very very expensive. i dont think ppl will trade you sc2 lessons for it.

if you want to learn poker just start posting on this site and become involved in the community and discussions.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

Venrae   United States. Apr 10 2011 05:42. Posts 1545

It's gonna be wayyyyyyyyyyyyy faster and easier to just start throwing 20-50 bucks at nl2 until you beat it. Just start posting hands, getting friends who play and gain credibility through just posting and asking questions. You'll learn way more than you would through a coach just from the experience alone. Combine that with the knowledge here at LP and doing coaching to get credibility to trade for coaching later is a complete waste of time.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

wshuler85   . Apr 10 2011 06:11. Posts 3

honestly i really love the game of sc2, i'll go through a shit load of people that will take my 1 hour of coaching and then drop me, just to at least talk to a couple poker players who know what they're talkin' about....and coaching isn't worth THOUSANDS of dollars, it is worth relative to the skill of the coach and the stakes...there are many of sc2 coaches who charge similarly to what poker coaches charge, of course relative to the stakes being played.

I understand that gaining any sort of coaching in trade of what I'm offering won't make me a winning player, only a better player, but will expedite the process...I really want to get more familiar with some technicalities and what-not

and if i am going to offer can i appeal to not just a winning player (because apparently sc2 coaching isnt worth anything a winning poker player can offer me, how about volume? what specific amount of volume of a player can i expect to get something from for teaching sc2??)

 Last edit: 10/04/2011 06:13

wshuler85   . Apr 10 2011 06:16. Posts 3

  On April 10 2011 04:26 Arirang wrote:
Yeah well, the chances are, if you are a winning poker player, you are probably smart enough to get good at SC2 on your own. No offense to OP, just being real, is all. Good luck on your search by all means.

we're talking about saving time....winning poker players can be good at sc2 just as much as anyone can be good at sc2....being coached can save you so much time you wouldn't believe...or maybe you would have because you played bw? (which you prob did because you're on liquidpoker).....but what I'm doing is trading effort for effort...

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 10 2011 06:35. Posts 15163

no serious grinder wants to save time playing games...we play them for fun.

If you want to gain credibility get engaged in the forums, ask questions, be creative and you will get free advice before you know it. Starcraft coaching really is worth nothing to most of us.

93% Sure!  

Arirang   Canada. Apr 10 2011 06:41. Posts 1673

Offering SC2 lessons to us for poker coaching is kind of like going to TL and offering LoL lessons for SC2 lessons. Only worse in your case because we are all poker players here. Poker skills have a direct monetary value. SC2 skills are only as important as one takes it. And while I do respect your skill and knowledge of SC2, to me, and likely many other (winning) players, it means very little.

Sadly, there are no shortcuts. If you want to get better, you've got to start from scratch. Thankfully, players here at LP are fantastic bunch, and will give you support as long as you show devotion.

 Last edit: 10/04/2011 06:42

wshuler85   . Apr 10 2011 06:58. Posts 3

  On April 10 2011 05:41 Arirang wrote:
Offering SC2 lessons to us for poker coaching is kind of like going to TL and offering LoL lessons for SC2 lessons. Only worse in your case because we are all poker players here. Poker skills have a direct monetary value. SC2 skills are only as important as one takes it. And while I do respect your skill and knowledge of SC2, to me, and likely many other (winning) players, it means very little.

Sadly, there are no shortcuts. If you want to get better, you've got to start from scratch. Thankfully, players here at LP are fantastic bunch, and will give you support as long as you show devotion.

thanks, i really do understand, but u gotta understand that i've been lurking this community since the beginning and been a member of TL from the start, im not tryin to weasel my way into some free knowledge or anything, i just really figured there is something to trade, i read hh's on this site every day, and figured there are some people on this site who really dedicate themselves to starcraft AND poker, and wanna be accomplished at both, and i can help them at at least one of those games :/

CrownRoyal   United States. Apr 10 2011 08:44. Posts 11385

wtf? you guys are all ruthless i have gave plenty of free poker lessons in my life.

this guy isn't outside the realm of possibilities but you need to just make friends with some poker players and this is probably a good way to do that and if u gave someone some sc2 lessons im sure at the very least they wont care to look at some HHs u send them on aim or something.


whamm!   Albania. Apr 10 2011 09:49. Posts 11625

just be courteous and friendly, ask questions in the lowstakes hand sections im pretty sure if someone gave extremely terrible advice groups of guys will give better ones. participate daily and post good stuff a lot , not even poker related stuff and just ease your way in. people here are friendly when you dont give them any reason not to be. also be patient to some smart ass levelling from time to time even if its directed towards you.

Zalfor   United States. Apr 10 2011 11:41. Posts 2236

this coaching really isn't that free now is it? <.<

Fujikura   United States. Apr 10 2011 12:04. Posts 1795

Pm me your sc2 info, would like to see how good you actually are.

aka SouL)Z(Isadie and SouL)P(Fujikura 

Maynard!   United States. Apr 10 2011 12:52. Posts 4453

Most poker players are primarily focused on $. They value their time in terms of it. Most SC players don't think about $. When you try to offer SC lessons a poker player will immediately think about its worth in money - close to 0. Then they will compare that to the value of their lessons which will, if they are a winner, always be worth some $.

SC skills are also somewhat worthless in money terms. I think most poker players will play SC primarily for fun and not to win and be "good" BC the value in that is 0.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

Carthac   United States. Apr 10 2011 13:04. Posts 1343

For those who are stating that SC2 lessons are worth almost nothing monetarily, you are extremely misinformed. Look around the internet at sites like, and look at their laundry lists of players that are lining up for coaching.

OP, the people here are right in the fact that poker coaching can be VERY expensive. However, I don't see why so many people jumped on him saying that he is doing something shady and underhanded when he wants to make poker friends that know more than him. EVERYONE here does that. You get friends that are better at poker than you, and you discuss hands and theory. Then as you get better, you help those that you can in any way to keep the community going.

If the guy has no starting point, let him try to earn one. No point in being malicious and automatically assuming the worst.

Maynard!   United States. Apr 10 2011 13:22. Posts 4453

They say that they charge that much but I doubt they ever get anyone to pay that lol.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

joLin   United States. Apr 10 2011 13:25. Posts 3818

  On April 10 2011 12:04 Carthac wrote:
For those who are stating that SC2 lessons are worth almost nothing monetarily, you are extremely misinformed. Look around the internet at sites like, and look at their laundry lists of players that are lining up for coaching.

OP, the people here are right in the fact that poker coaching can be VERY expensive. However, I don't see why so many people jumped on him saying that he is doing something shady and underhanded when he wants to make poker friends that know more than him. EVERYONE here does that. You get friends that are better at poker than you, and you discuss hands and theory. Then as you get better, you help those that you can in any way to keep the community going.

If the guy has no starting point, let him try to earn one. No point in being malicious and automatically assuming the worst.

lol wat no one accused him of being shady.

also while sc lessons are not worth 0, they are worth a lot less than poker lessons and the expected monetary return is much less. thats what everyone is saying.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

YoMeR   United States. Apr 10 2011 13:51. Posts 12438

Not to sound mean but the 2 types of lessons are not on equal footing at all.

While you may be a very good player you're not pulling in a 6 figure income because of that. Your hourly is 0. How poker coaching is valued is approx 1/2 of the coaches proven hourly rate at poker.

A decent/good low/midstakes grinder will win anywhere between 50-200+ dollars depending on stakes. Even if you were to get a decent winning NL100 reg to teach you the value of his lessons are still about ~$25 an hr at the absolute minimum.

Additionally all the things that you know and offer like build orders etc can be quite easily looked up on forums like and the execution can be researched through VODs.

Conversely poker lessons are a bit different since a fresh and different perspective on similar spots and hand situations can yield very different conclusions with vastly different results.

sure you can learn the usual pony tricks and learn how to assign hand ranges, learn how to read stats through HEM/PT3 etc through videos and forums but to get very specific advice you're going to need a coach. Especially if you've already learned the basics quite well and are looking to take your game to the next level. There are things that you miss as well that will stick with you as a sick spew if not addressed by someone else.

now asking a stranger to swap these lessons is one thing but i can definitely see myself swapping "lessons" with friends just for fun tho. I do love starcraft 2 ;D

eZ Life. 


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