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3 month break even stretch

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Into Infinity   United States. Apr 30 2011 21:16. Posts 1884
like seriously, just run so fucking bad everytime

i was up a bit, then recently just had a fat downswing because of leavers or other stupid shit (people not getting couriers or wards ETC, in fucking high 1700 games? srsly?)

just so fucking tilting

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terrybunny19240   United States. Apr 30 2011 21:39. Posts 13829

lol probably the least important thing you could possibly stress about

SPEWTARD   Peru. May 01 2011 00:56. Posts 4306

lmao how u got that graph

Rise and Shine 

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. May 02 2011 07:48. Posts 1687

I don't understand

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 


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