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terrybunny19240   United States. May 01 2011 21:57. Posts 13829
Hey guys I was just watching "Talking Funny" with Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais, and Louis C.K. got me thinking about comedy and how storytelling works; especially because jokes are often dressed up storytelling. Things got crazy from there and so what I'm about to write isn't focused around jokes or comedy, just storytelling and is probably most applicable to stories told via the written word.

Stories are most frequently told through a narrative. The audience is told what is happening, what is this character thinking, about the broken shard of the realm a heroic young elf just picked up. Where has a story been told without a narrative of events?

Many stories in all forms of media have played with the sequence of events, Kill Bill which use a nonlinear narrative being an example. This type of storytelling, from my perspective, causes the viewer to be more engaged in the film and plot because, knowing the film is nonlinear, they are likely to be actively thinking about how to put the plot together in a linear way. Our natural way of thinking about events and timelines drives us to do this.

Granting that audience engagement or involvement is a good thing, where has the audience been challenged by a narrative that focuses on describing things outside of the actual narrative. If the subject of a book were, instead of a handful of people in a city being destroyed by a sci-fi monster (Cloverfield), the feelings and the varying sentiments of the population of New York as this disaster unfolded. And it was told by describing the various "strains" (characters?) of sentiments and thoughts that went through this group -- of individuals -- as the reality of what was occurring passed by.

I don't know anything further about this subject and was hoping I could get some tips on where things like this have already been done (novels, poems, etc). The only things that ring a bell when I think of this is the name "ee cummings" and that one author who wrote "stream of conscious" novels (Joyce? idk).

I didn't proof read at all sry rofl GG I'M FUCKIN BLAZED SON

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Wreckognize   . May 01 2011 22:32. Posts 1263

cool story bro

Wreckognize   . May 01 2011 22:33. Posts 1263

jk, didn't mean to be rude but honestly i have no idea what you're talking about, maybe you're too smart for me.

Edit: I bet it would make more sense and easier for me to follow if i was blazed.

 Last edit: 01/05/2011 22:37

terrybunny19240   United States. May 01 2011 22:35. Posts 13829

nah it could honestly be bullshit or I might not of conveyed my thoughts well, we'll see what anyone else has to say.. was kind of tough to figure out how to put this in a way that made sense..

re-reading it I know it might sound like I'm trying to 'sound smart' but that isn't the case.. I just write badly when I'm smoking

especially might require you to be blazed since I personally can't come up with a good way to tell a story in the way I'm trying to describe (with an "abstracted narrative" )

 Last edit: 01/05/2011 22:42

Wreckognize   . May 02 2011 01:29. Posts 1263

btw i watched the same show you are talking about on hbo, very good, because of the comedy talent.

TheHuHu3   United States. May 02 2011 05:48. Posts 5544

Where did you copy / paste this from, Night?

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

SpasticInk   Sweden. May 02 2011 07:23. Posts 6298

  On May 02 2011 04:48 TheHuHu3 wrote:
Where did you copy / paste this from, Night?

terrybunny19240   United States. May 02 2011 14:36. Posts 13829

  On May 02 2011 04:48 TheHuHu3 wrote:
Where did you copy / paste this from, Night?

from my journal cunt

Fudyann   Netherlands. May 03 2011 02:04. Posts 704

Would you recommend watching Talking Funny?


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