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Binge eating

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. May 19 2011 16:28. Posts 15163
I went to library to get some resources as I ran out of ideas for my brainstorming wall and apart from a great book on Sport Psychology and coaching I was looking for psychology stuff on burnout and motivation and neurotransmitters and some nutrition info and I have strolled across a book and identified one thing which is huge but I never did anything about it - Binge eating.

It's a proper eating disorder and am well inside the definition of it:
1) Reccurent episodes of in a period of time under 2 hours and amount of food that is definitely larger that most people would eat during a smilar period of time in similar circumstances.-I eat everything that's in the house, and more no matter how much there is, several times per week.
2) Sense of lack of control over eating during the episode. This includes going to the shop buying shit I don't want to buy, it's like watching myself from the distance asking wtf.

I can never keep any ready to eat food in my house because when I have one of these episodes several times per week it just evaporates.

I was doing this since my very young childhood(I was very fat as a kid) and it always had massive impacts on my self-esteem and energy levels. My mum does the same btw. I countered the fitness thing when I was 11-20 as I was playing high level sports, and when I was working and stopped working out more than 2x per week and my stress levels were high my BMI soared again to some 33 and I got stretch marks and mood swings eww, although I am not depressed or anything as I worked hard on my mental stability and very much follow Tommy Angelo's principles, it is a very serious thing and still has huge impacts on my life, especially when it comes to energy levels.

I don't have the cash for psychotherapy which would be te fastest/easiest way so I will just use books and hopefully working on high Serotonin levels that was my goal anyway for mood enhancement will help (Pokerstrategy has a sick series of articles on Neuropsychology of Poker, I can share my notes if you pm).

I am halfway through a book on this and it pretty much confirmed that I have this disorder, although I am in a very good position in comparison to others despite being heavily overweight as I am used to exercising and I can push myself easily in the gym(although I have to indtroduce more walks and active lifestyle), and I have overcome the embarrassment of my body in last couple years (I used to avoid people seeing me topless and I was embarrassed with my body even though I was in a sick good shape compared to today. The whole poker mentality made me be in peace with variance but also all other factors including my body, I feel like I have no shame almost these days, mostly because the work I have done for the mental side of poker. Maybe now you will understand why I love this game so much )

When I was sitting in a sauna yesterday and thinking about my goals, imagining myself not bombing my body with 4-6 portions in one sitting uncontrollably most days per week put a big smile on my face, and this would be the single most beneficial thing for me if I managed to eradicate it for life in general including poker, and working on this will be at the core of the plan I am working on. There is some pretty specific advice in the couple books I got (one practical and one scientific)

I know it's weird for a dude to have this problem, so you can laugh all you want, as I already told you, I have no shame anymore and I am proud of it

It would be nice to know if any of you have or had this problem and if you have dealt with it. You don't have to be overweight to have this disorder, especially if you have the imo way worse version, bulimia nervosa.

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93% Sure! Last edit: 19/05/2011 17:05

terrybunny19240   United States. May 19 2011 16:34. Posts 13829

I read some really interesting and convincing argument for the "paleo" lifestyle. the idea is basically to try to eat similarly to how our ancestor's ate over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, before the "western" diseases came into prominence (obesity, diabetes, cancer). so I'd re-evaluate your basic guidelines you use for your eating habits before worrying labeling yourself as having a disorder. if it helps any, one of my heroes and extremely intelligent person Nassim Taleb follows this lifestyle under the tutelage of the grandfather of paleo Arthur DeVany, and he has had great results (Was overweight and feeling crappy, now a healthy weight and feeling great for 3 years now).

 Last edit: 19/05/2011 16:36

vegable   United States. May 19 2011 16:44. Posts 2453

just got done learning about this in my psych class. its definitely a heritable disorder. it may be because of an overactive lateral hypothalamus and/or underperforming ventromedial hypothalamus. you really gotta exercise your human will to overcome those physiological problems at this point without taking any medication. best of luck to you man

Stir fry Normandy 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. May 19 2011 16:50. Posts 15163

  On May 19 2011 15:34 Night2o1 wrote:
I read some really interesting and convincing argument for the "paleo" lifestyle. the idea is basically to try to eat similarly to how our ancestor's ate over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, before the "western" diseases came into prominence (obesity, diabetes, cancer). so I'd re-evaluate your basic guidelines you use for your eating habits before worrying labeling yourself as having a disorder. if it helps any, one of my heroes and extremely intelligent person Nassim Taleb follows this lifestyle under the tutelage of the grandfather of paleo Arthur DeVany, and he has had great results (Was overweight and feeling crappy, now a healthy weight and feeling great for 3 years now).

Yeah I have seen this in various resources from Men's Fitness, Primal Blueprint etc and it is definitely my diet target eventually, but one of the advice that is strongly focused on in the binge eating books is NOT to diet, including food avoidance and calorie control. This sucks because when I am fat I naturally want to focus on dieting (and I have, only to bring back more binges). And when dieted it didn't help, but otherwise. I did induce vomiting a couple times when I made myself sick with food but luckily I have managed to avoid that because the effects are disastrous

Primary problem is not that I am fat or that I eat bad foods because I am comfortable with my appearance, but that I bomb myself so often with food and I can't play poker or do anything else for hours after the episode, and it also disrupts my sleep and during the binges I always go for the 'bad' foods, like I see my control suppressed and I end up buying a chocolate ice cream and eat the whole tub in one sitting uncontrollably.

93% Sure! Last edit: 19/05/2011 16:53

thumbz555   United States. May 19 2011 16:51. Posts 3281

Lem Lemoncloak? I'm gonna be very blunt with you.

My 2c: put yourself on a regimented nutrition/exercise plan and stick to it. Tell your gf to push you. Allow yourself a bit of reprieve from the diet like one day/week, but no more than that. Fantastic website to create a diet/workout program to fit your needs/goals:

If you're gonna lose weight/live healthier you really have to want it. I worked as a personal trainer for like 3 years during college and I saw a plethora of people, but the majority of which didn't want to see results bad enough and weren't willing to make any sacrifices and were very unmotivated. Being overweight runs in my family as well as with many of the people I've worked with. You need to bump your confidence up and tell yourself that you CAN do this. Your GF needs to tell you that yes, you CAN do this and you WILL.

When you're about to put something in your mouth, you need to ask yourself "why am I eating this?" That answer is easy for a lot of things: Fish? Protein, omegas. Fruits + Veggies: vitamins, minerals, fiber, unprocessed sugars. White rice? Uh.... Well maybe I won't eat that? Snickers bar? uhh.... cuz I don't wanna see my abs ever?

Last thing: cut down on your portion sizes. Easy way to do this is to grab a smaller plate than you normally do and don't go back for seconds. Eat more often, but smaller amounts. Something commonly misunderstood is that you can't eat carbs: well that isn't necessarily true. You really just want to avoid processed carbs. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. GL sir.

I click buttons.Last edit: 19/05/2011 16:55

terrybunny19240   United States. May 19 2011 17:04. Posts 13829

yah my knowledge of this disorder is practically non-existent. I guess as a little aside on paleo, it seems wise to just change your food choice guidelines in general than to try to conform to a specific "Diet" like your body is a machine.. paleo is a change of guidelines, not a diet that sets certain goals (calorie or otherwise) beyond, "I'm going to eat healthy and reap the rewards"

I think that is a pretty important distinction since, as you know I'm sure, the vast majority of people who go on diets.. fail.

Arirang   Canada. May 19 2011 17:05. Posts 1673

but fatty foods are cheap and inexpensive and easy to prepaaaaaaaaare Q_____Q

ggplz   Sweden. May 19 2011 17:14. Posts 16784

You're most likely just eating the wrong (bad) types of food and snacks. It's easy to be addicted to that kind of food and it's obviously putting a lot of stress on your body. If you were eating the right types i bet this problem would go away. The main reason this is the case is because your body is going to be a lot more satiated on good old fashioned wholesome food since it's actually being nourished instead of given food with little nutritional vlaue. If you are eating really good food and still feel a massive need to eat then just listen to your body and eat as much as u want. After a while you'll probably crave less if you are eating good foods. For me, i sometimes get bored and want something to munch on while checking out a movie or w/e and in those cases i'll make something random from stuff around the house but it's all good quality food and thats the most important thing.

The Paleo diet is a really good place to start off but don't get too caught up in it and definitely don't consider it a diet. First and foremost i want u to undestand that i'm not trying to give u weight loss advice and just because I mentioned the word diet it doesn't mean you should be cutting back and starving yourself. All the word diet means in the way i'm using it is basically a selection of foods you choose to eat from without holding back on quantity. In other words, I'm trying to give u advice that will subdue your food cravings without forcing yourself to do anything stupid like cut calories. As a bonus, you can most likely expect weight loss over time.

I'd also suggest buying an eye mask to improve your quality of sleep as your body will produce the most melatonin in a pitch dark environment. If sound is an issue you could try ear plugs designed for sleeping also but eye mask alone has worked well for me.

As for me, i lost like 140 lbs (10 stone) and didn't restrict calories a single day or excercise on a consistent basis. I used to have cravings like you so i believe i know exactly what you're talking about.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 19/05/2011 17:28

SpasticInk   Sweden. May 19 2011 21:56. Posts 6298

Binge eating will be an official diagnosis in the next DSM-V (As of know it's under "Eating disorders not otherwise specified"

do you have this as well: C. Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. May 20 2011 04:22. Posts 14026

I used to have an absurd diet when i was working
I would finish at 9pm, and was in range of about every fast food place available.

a typical order would look like this:

a 12.5" pizza, 6 x chicken tenders, cajin wedges, a family size bag of potatoe chips, a family size bar of chocolate or packet of biscuits, a 2.25ltr coke zero (lol)

I would go home, put on TV or a movie, and just eat until I could eat no more. Id usually get through about half the pizza, all the wedges/chicken, most of the chips and all of the chocolate. I also got stretch marks on my stomach in this time. I put on over 10kgs in 3 months.

Once i went to Burger King and Wendys drive-thru back to back because i wanted an outlaw burger from BK and a buffalo chicken burger from Wendys (one was a combo, coz i obv needed fires and a milkshake to go with them)

Eventually a ballooned to my highest weight ever at 112kgs around Christmas 2009. My gf at the time got really fat too, when youre in a relationship you lose that incentive to stay healthier. So we would always go out for KFC and stuff and just be fat together. It was really hard when i started losing weight because it felt like she was trying to sabotage my efforts at times. I tried to get her involved too and be healthier together, but that didnt work, and she got scared that I would get fit and then leave her for a thinner girl. It sucks to have someone around making sarcastic comments when youre tryin to get shit done. We broke up not long after that.

Right now im at 103kg. I didnt really lose much in Thailand coz my beer consumption spiraled and they tend to deep-fry a lot of food. Since being back in NZ Ive stopped drinking daily, lowered my chocolate intake, dont eat as much bread/cheese and have started doing some cardio.

Its not a drastic turn-around but the ball is moving in the right direction.

It was REALLY hard to break the cycle I was in of daily fast--food.

Robinson47   United Kingdom. May 20 2011 14:22. Posts 992

I love to eat fast food and im a fat bastard who eats too much in one sitting, does that mean i suffer from an eating disorder?

I think im addicted to fast food, everytime im hungry i cant stop thinking about it just need my next fix.


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