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Graph + leaks + random stuff

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SoC   United Kingdom. Jun 30 2011 18:37. Posts 999
Little bit of history, used to play live 1/1 games (£) and won a fair bit up and down, but couldn't build a roll as a typical student always spending and being a standard degen. Long story short won 2k in a week, spent most of it, busted the last of it. Standard. While playing live, I've always just donked about online, usually at 9am when getting home from the casino, just donking away $100 without caring as I was so tired. As I said typical degen So all my stats look terrible in my history.

So after busting my live roll and being unemployed, I thought I'd do the pro thing, and deposit $10 and grind my way to $1mil
Online is very different from live, so didn't start too great. But 50k hands later here I am. Binked $200 cash in storm and running 8bb/100 at Nl2. Cashed out a chunk and purchased HEM today so can finally get all my graphs and stats.

Kinda suprised to be running 15BI's under EV, knew I ran badish but wasn't expecting that. But oh well, can't complain, It's NL2 and thats the point of it :D

Sorry to bore you all but any quick obvious leaks that you can spot?

I need to stop limping and especially open limping OOP and even IP and nit up from the blinds massively and to stop double barrelling (live habit).

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SugoGosu   Korea (South). Jun 30 2011 18:55. Posts 1793

you call way too often from the SB (37.3% of the time you're calling from the SB!) You don't raise from the BB.

Think of it this way: If you're going to call with like KJ for instance from the BB. You're out of position, and you'll miss the flop more times than you'll hit it. So when a board comes A 5 8, or 559 etc... what are you going to do? check/fold? You'll be check/folding very often and really just throwing money away. If you're going to be playing a hand, try to have the initial raiser aggression as people will give you more credit.

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

Thall   Switzerland. Jun 30 2011 19:02. Posts 355

I dont know a lot about the different stats and stuff, but the one thing I can tell you for sure: VPIP 26 and PFR 12 is a huge missmatch ! Your PRF/VPIP Ratio is 45.3 but afaik it should be somewhere around 80. Maybe this works at NL2 because you get paid off constantly when you hit your stuff, but as you move up you should really work on that. I dont want to tell you to play 22/19 or 30/26 or something, but just look that you can get the two stats closer together !

As you mentioned: If you stop limping this will look a lot better (propably)

 Last edit: 30/06/2011 19:04

SoC   United Kingdom. Jun 30 2011 19:16. Posts 999

  On June 30 2011 17:55 SugoGosu wrote:
you call way too often from the SB (37.3% of the time you're calling from the SB!) You don't raise from the BB.

Think of it this way: If you're going to call with like KJ for instance from the BB. You're out of position, and you'll miss the flop more times than you'll hit it. So when a board comes A 5 8, or 559 etc... what are you going to do? check/fold? You'll be check/folding very often and really just throwing money away. If you're going to be playing a hand, try to have the initial raiser aggression as people will give you more credit.

There's a lot less preflop action in Nl2, so calling from the SB is 80% of the time 1cent in a 6way pot. Worth it with the top 30% range to flop the nuts and get paid easily. But yeh I agree, vs a raise I need to nit up or be aggressive OOP from the SB and BB.

  On June 30 2011 18:02 Thall wrote:
I dont know a lot about the different stats and stuff, but the one thing I can tell you for sure: VPIP 26 and PFR 12 is a huge missmatch ! Your PRF/VPIP Ratio is 45.3 but afaik it should be somewhere around 80. Maybe this works at NL2 because you get paid off constantly when you hit your stuff, but as you move up you should really work on that. I dont want to tell you to play 22/19 or 30/26 or something, but just look that you can get the two stats closer together !

As you mentioned: If you stop limping this will look a lot better (propably)

Live habit with limping, If i'd of looked at my graphs at 10k hands it would of been the standard Nl2 fish of like 30/5 Vpip/pfr. :D So they'll slowly come together as I get out the habit.

Tbh with my experience and reads I feel I can outplay and make decent reads most of the times postflop, hence try to get to flops cheap and get stacks in on later streets. Having HEM running while playing will help this.

Thanks both for replies

SugoGosu   Korea (South). Jun 30 2011 20:21. Posts 1793

what type of hands are you calling with from the SB to connect to be in a multi-way pot? If you have hands like AJ/AT etc... just raise. Even hands like TJs you can raise and take it down often enough.

Think about what type of hands other people are limping with preflop. Usually at the small stakes its small pocket pairs, low suited connectors, random suited cards like Q4s etc... Raising does many things for you.

1) gets rid of a lot of players. instead of seeing it 6 way you'll see it 2 or 3 way. This will allow you to make better decisions.

An example. Let's say you have A9s 2 people limped and you're on the SB. if you raise to 4xbb + 1 for every limper you'll be raising to ~$0.15. By building a pot, people will feel more "committed" to their hand. They get into the mindset of "oh well I already invest $X, I can't fold now! So they keep calling with 2nd or 3rd pair just "in case you're bluffing".

2) builds pots for when you hit a strong hand. This should be pretty straight forward. When you have a strong hand, you want to have a big pot. By raising you build a pot and people want to keep calling in case their A hits on the river, or their gutshot straight draw hits. You'll be making more value.

At the micro stakes, I played very tight ABC poker. I would only raise my strong hands, and fold my weak hands. I think my stats were somewhat like 13/11. Even though I was playing 6max which is super mad tight for the style I was playing, I was averaging 15-20bb/100 just because I was betting strong when I had a hand and folding when I didn't. There's no reason to see flops cheap against people with hands like 47.

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

sunnysky7   . Jul 01 2011 13:04. Posts 1549

defend less blind , raise more from BTN and CO , its way too low
avg reg who playing 50-100 i guess pfr at BTN should be around 25-35 , and CO maybe 20-25
just keep in mind position is position

jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. Jul 01 2011 13:32. Posts 2835

What everyone else said + you seem to be calling too much 3bets

how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 


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