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Respecting my raises

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SoC   United Kingdom. Jul 13 2011 19:47. Posts 999
So finally moved out of Nl2, I ran bad there. 15 Buyin under EV But was more playing there for practising mass tabling + VPP grinding to get my $50 bonus and to just gather a bit more experience at online compared to live.

Moved upto Nl5 -

Players are a lot more aggro, seeing light 3bet/4bets a lot more, which I expected and have been able to pick apart pretty much.

Only thing that glares out from my stats is again my VPIP/PFR isn't close enough, and I just can't take advantage of smashing the raise button in CO and BTN. Stats are the same for VPIP/PFR as all other positions

Struggling to get the majority of my cbets through, both good and bad cos I'm getting paid a lot more on hands where I flop middle pair and they float me OOP, but a bit annoying missing a flop with AK 20times in a row and losing a lot more cos they don't fold to your Cbet on a Q high board with 33.

Need to widen my 3bet and 4bet range a lot, but I guess at Nl5 it's not stopping me getting paid at all when I get monsters, but again as I move up this will be exploited like crazy unless I fix this.

Anyway fairly satisfied with 18bb/100 over 8k. Feel free to through in any comments over stats or analysis that I've done wrong

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TalentedTom    Canada. Jul 13 2011 19:54. Posts 20070

i also have a huge gap between my vpip and pfr lifetime, im always between 30-20 // 28-15 or so

calling is a good thing, these raise or fold retards typically have super high varience and arnn't v good at poker. It's not a super relevant thing. At the end of the day all that matters is how well your doing

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

ERASA   Germany. Jul 14 2011 08:21. Posts 2440

You see much light 4 betting at NL5? You mean like complete retards that simply click it back? Or people that try to attack your 3bets? times have changed i guess

SoC   United Kingdom. Jul 14 2011 08:57. Posts 999

Sigh, post blog disease, standard runbad. Coolered like a madman. no idea what I could of done this session Terrible.

UN4   Canada. Jul 14 2011 09:09. Posts 61

  On July 14 2011 07:21 ERASA wrote:
complete retards that simply click it back

This. I'm at NL25 and I see a lot, most people except the very best of regs have no idea wtf they're doing and I always end up leveling myself into calling or whatever because they're line makes no sense and they don't rep anything.

My tip to OP, Below NL50 DO NOT give any thinking credit to your opponents unless they prove you otherwise on multiple occasions. Or you'll end up owning yourself A TON.


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