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kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 11:53. Posts 19
My name is kurtisturtle. was kurtistheturtle before 14 character max but no stress

Migrant from TL, owner of bug-eyed fish.

I've played SC a long time, figured better to devote time to money. What I'm going to do is deposit a small amount (maybe more depending) and go all or nothing. I'd like to use this money to find out if poker is for me, if I'm good at it, and if I can handle it.

unrelated but also like to do more math in general. hated it in school but numbers fascinate me

Opening up a pokerstars account. I've lurked through this community a couple times, cracks me up. So if you have any suggestions for how I approach my goals, I'm all ears! look forward to growing with you

short term:
grow my $50 into $200 by end of 2nd week of august

mid-term: figure out how much time im willing to devote, if any

long-term: if still playing;

develop tight (is that right word?) playstyle which will allow me more financial freedom barring if i get caught up in the thrill of first place


what? god damnet. no real money? fuck the us and all this stupid morality. so, first, is there a place or method i can play from the US with real money (like if i used proxy or do they monitor bank accounts?)

second, does this site have a search function/where is it?

I wrote this in poker main but wrong place so I'm transplanting it here

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im a noob 

Schimmel111   . Jul 17 2011 11:59. Posts 161

GL opening a stars account in the US

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 12:06. Posts 19

here are the posts from the closed thread

  kurtisturtle said
going to go with bodog instead.

how much starting $$ should I put forward?


and why should i do that much/what limits/levels should i start out in?

tri edit

$50? gogogog. ill contemplate and get going when i get home (im in WI, 600 miles away from home)

  whamm! said:
nl2 nit it up and be patient. theres no other way aroudn it in those levels.

  theoneandonly said:
anyone familiar with luvin poker?

  NeillyJQ said:
bet bet bet.

stay in position.

raise high pairs and AKish hands to start, later on start mixing it up and raising more drawy hands like 98sooted

if its not worth raising, don't play it

  Spicy said:
HeroPoker still accepts USA players

  theoneandonly said:
no they dont? i tried to sign up and couldnt

  byrnesam said:
good time to start if youre a US player

  theoneandonly said:
i know =( fml

  Defrag said:
Hey there, welcome to site, but! Content like this should be posted in your blog

To do so create one ( using top panel ) and post it there please cheers

i also had a bunch of questions written out from while reading articles, but that post got lost to the internet so ill post more when i get back

im a noob 

jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. Jul 17 2011 12:08. Posts 2835

  second, does this site have a search function/where is it?

On the right beneath the hand section

how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 12:10. Posts 19

oh dear. thank god for edit button

thanks for pointing out the search function jeff, didn't see that

im a noobLast edit: 17/07/2011 12:20

craimeariver   Germany. Jul 17 2011 12:29. Posts 28

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 12:54. Posts 19

My biggest question: what are the best sites to play online poker at/which of these sites are available in the US through some means? which have the easiest means?

@ craimeariver (ohh lol)
thanks for pointing me there. read all of those a couple time and took notes on them last night, typed out a big post full of questions and it was eaten, but woke up this morning and magically they're all answered. that was a good place to start so if you have suggestions where to go from there, ill trust where you point me

my only obstacle is place. i was gonna go with bodog but thats stupid, havent even checked into any others. ill be searching

edit: here is the list ive been looking for. posting here so anybody following this path doesnt have the durr moment i did

just click on the poker bonuses over there on the right lol. IM PUMPED

im a noobLast edit: 17/07/2011 12:59

patti   United States. Jul 17 2011 13:03. Posts 550

if u are in us don't play online until it is ok to play on stars

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 13:08. Posts 19

from what i understand, poker tracking software helps separate numbers from emotions, which is the whole point of poker. it does this for you so you can look at your weaknesses and improve them from a detached perspective.

At what point does poker tracking software

1) Become helpful to improve?
2) Become a necessity to improve?

  On July 17 2011 12:03 patti wrote:
if u are in us don't play online until it is ok to play on stars

boo. dont like hearing this even if it is the truth but thanks for telling me. im willing to get burned $50 on a lesser poker site because i want to get started now and $50 is like 7 hours of minimum wage work? think in this case the pot of getting started is worth the risk

i dont understand the situation. where do i look to find out more/what's your take on why i should wait? as always, i will be researching

im a noob 

Spicy   United States. Jul 17 2011 13:34. Posts 1027

Pokerstars is THE most reputable site atm and the most stable. If you play on any other site right now, you suffer a much higher risk of losing all of your hard earned poker money. Also with the recent situation in the US from the govt decision to take legal action against online poker sites, it is not a good choice to play online atm. You're best off trying live poker.

Venrae   United States. Jul 17 2011 17:19. Posts 1545

Quadrupling your bankroll in a month is not going to be realistic. It can happen, but if you're just starting out don't get discouraged if you aren't even close to $200 in august. If you're in the green at that point be happy and just keep focusing on improving.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

truffesbio4920   . Jul 17 2011 19:13. Posts 111

  On July 17 2011 10:53 kurtisturtle wrote:
short term:
grow my $50 into $200 by end of 2nd week of august

so you set your goal to making a certain amount of money.. that's never a good approach to poker. Especially short term and if you're just starting out.
I agree with Venrae here and most likely any experienced player will tell you the same

other than that, maybe you will be able to become good at poker. very few are though

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 17 2011 22:48. Posts 19

  On July 17 2011 12:34 Spicy wrote:
Pokerstars is THE most reputable site atm and the most stable. If you play on any other site right now, you suffer a much higher risk of losing all of your hard earned poker money. Also with the recent situation in the US from the govt decision to take legal action against online poker sites, it is not a good choice to play online atm. You're best off trying live poker.

willing to pay $50 for the experience. I appreciate you trying to save me money! I feel like this could be a hobby which could greatly benefit my life if i put in the dedication. if $50 is all i have to stake to start now, there is no better time

unless everything really is about to go underwater. is the above a foolish opinion? i mean im spending $50 on a poker site as a complete noob, im willing to lose it from the get-go

  On July 17 2011 18:13 truffesbio4920 wrote:
Show nested quote +

so you set your goal to making a certain amount of money.. that's never a good approach to poker. Especially short term and if you're just starting out.
I agree with Venrae here and most likely any experienced player will tell you the same

other than that, maybe you will be able to become good at poker. very few are though

ill heed that advice. conditional goals (if one is met the next one applies

1) Find a secure place to play online poker

new short-term goal: play 500 hands/week and still be at least even by second week of august

really tired so im going to refrain from further posting because it gets foolish

im a noob 

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 18 2011 11:55. Posts 19

i now have access to $$ inside a pokerstars account. where can i download the non play-money software?

nevermind. i think my vote may be whoever runs for the online poker is good platform

im a noobLast edit: 18/07/2011 12:24

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 22 2011 00:05. Posts 19

Just started on Bodog w/ $22.10, I've been playing one table for two hours and I'm down at 21.99. I've folded all but like 4 hands when not bb, only stayed in pot till we both revealed cards for 1 hand that netted me $4. otherwise I've been grabbing the ante with position, calling with pp and suited Ax, or suited 9T/

my emotional swings are fucking crazy, and its like over quarters. i sometimes ignore them on the ground. wtf lol. rabidly calculating odds on my pc calculator before time runs out, this is pretty fun but i havent had a beat yet. we'll see how i react to that.

im a noob 

kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 22 2011 00:08. Posts 19

oh my god. just got 66 in the hole, raised for flop, caught a 6, eliminated flush draws from one guy w cbet (trying to use the lingo, forgive me if its wrong lol!) from worst position, caught the last guy with pocket aces for $5 pot. would post the hand but dont know how


7 hours of studying totally worth this hand. even if i had lost everything to river, correctly played. pat myself on back. first big hand

im a noobLast edit: 22/07/2011 00:17

casinocasino   Canada. Jul 22 2011 01:29. Posts 3343

lolol great job


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