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Longple is the man

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Surprise   United States. Jul 24 2011 22:48. Posts 275
Longple gave me an hour of coaching in exchange for some video help that I gave him earlier on his blog. Even though I'm a microdonk he still came through and not only coached me for the hour, but gave it a really good effort too. I walked away from the session feeling way smarter about how I played and I feel more confident about my ability to eventually reach small stakes if I keep working at it. I highly recommend purchasing coaching from this guy if he ever offers it.

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the games you own at, end up owning you 

ManofFire   United Kingdom. Jul 25 2011 00:47. Posts 140

sometimes I wish longple played omaha.

 Last edit: 25/07/2011 00:47

player999   Brasil. Jul 25 2011 00:52. Posts 7978

  On July 24 2011 23:47 ManofFire wrote:
sometimes I wish longple played omaha.

probably will after he's done solving holdem

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

longple    Sweden. Jul 25 2011 11:51. Posts 4472

ty mate

gororokgororok   Netherlands. Jul 25 2011 17:37. Posts 3940

its always the swedish who solve poker!!!


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