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results from week 1

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kurtisturtle   United States. Jul 28 2011 00:05. Posts 19
first week of playing .02/.05 FR on bodog

keep a notepad file i edit when i open/close the client

  Start: 22.10
7/21/11 1t 2h End: 26 (+5.9)
7/22/11 2t 2.5h End: 28.12 (+2.12)
w david: (-2.10)
End: $32.65 (+4.53)
7/24/11 2t 1.5h End: 29.92 (-2.53)
~Don't play tired... -.-
2t .75h End: 26.20 (-3.70)
~Make sure you're playing the right stakes
7/25/11 2t .5h End: 27.03 (+0.83)
2t 2h End: 23.53 (-3.50)
7/26/11 .75h 1t End: 23.60 (+0.07)
1.16h 1t End: 26.88 (+3.28)
7/27/11 1h 2t End: 33.00 (+6.22)
1h 1t End: 33.02 (+0.02)
1h 2t End: 22.59 (-10.43)

a lot lower because i just started a session, lost a $5 buy-in to AQ which hit a flush draw on both turn and river (i had KK). should've shoved really hard on flop, highest card was queen. was not concentrated, didnt play it right and not 20/20 hindsight telling me. my opponent played a really gutsy hand, must've thought my range was a lot wider because we've never played and i got the KK right after 77 inside the first 5 hands

still positive for today and played hands mostly right!


im finding out you gotta treat this shit like a job. fresh in mind, body, and soul. my computer is in kind of a main area out of place because im home for summer & nowhere else to put it, constantly distracted by family and everyone (like during aforementioned hand). musical instruments played & recorded nearby and people never stop talking.

let my friend use the $2.10 bonus deposit money however he pleased. hes a poker fanatic and i wanted to see his real skill level. he lost it all on one table in like 20 mins, paying to see the flop w shit hands then limping & folding pots like nobody's business. but hes good at live, pretty sure he can read my soul.

from now

putting in a ton of hours at work so my only available playtime is only like 1-2 hrs/day...if that. gf going out of town this friday, finally get like 2 days off so I'll be grinding hard.

other stuff

are there any good microstakes videos? all the stuff i can find relies on reading tracking software stats and dont have that with bodog.

damnet, the guy i lost the flush to just won another hand v me on river while i was going for a flush draw (had a higher pair and beat on the river again lol). thats dissappointing, no more chasing shit, now im negative for today.

i know what tilting feels like, this isnt it. im in a down emotional state, but still logical and patient. on the one hand i know i didnt play correctly, knew i wasnt while i was doing it & making a point with it for my own satisfaction (worth -$2.50). on the knife's edge.


fucking lucky river shit. today, 46 to 2 is not on my side. now im tilting. gonna break for tonight and grind back up tomorrow

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im a noobLast edit: 28/07/2011 00:14

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jul 28 2011 00:33. Posts 15163

when you grow your BR you can get stats on Bodog if you use this:
or this

I think it;s great that you don;t use them for learning, just saying

93% Sure! Last edit: 28/07/2011 00:34


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