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Preflop PLO

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Thall   Switzerland. Aug 02 2011 08:23. Posts 355
hey there,
since I lost most of my roll due to bad bad play and the FTP shutdown I decided this summer is time for a new challenge. Just play for fun, and dont really worry about the results (obv. trying to play very good, but dont feel bad when i take a bad beat and stuff). So i decided to learn PLO. I picked up Jeff Hwangs Books (nice beach lecture for when I went to vacation)and watched the deucescracked series 2x6 and started watching Hellomaha.
I know that PLO is a post flop game, but somehow i already have problems PF. I tried to stick to the concepts i learned about not playing danglers, play cards that makes the nuts, thighten up pretty hard oop (esp. sb in multiway pots) and not playing crappy big pairs like dry TT/JJ/QQ. But my problem is in 2x6 vanessa selbst said one should end up playing around 25/20 (just a very rough estimated value) but even when I decide to go crazy and play "crappy" hands on the button in HU pots or when it's still unopened to me, I always end up playing 15/7 and I just dont know why... I can do whatever I want and feel like I am gambling like a maniac but i still end up 18/8 or something
I dont know exactly what I hope to achieve with this blogpost but maybe someone of you can give me a hint what kind of marginal/crappy hands I should add to my PF starting hands, because I just feel I play much too tight even though I think I stick very well to Vanessa Selbst's and Jeff Hwang's requirement for preflop hands...

cheers and enjoy the summer !

P.S. To give you a general idea about what hands i play:
-Any AA
-Most KK
- QQ/JJ with good side cards
- 4 rundowns, with eigher 1 gap at the bottom or 1 middle and 1 bottom gap (if in EP only at least single stuited)
- Axs with a pair to go with (for example A2s99)
- 3 rundowns suited to an A or with a pair (77+) (for example: 9987, 8776, A8s76)

Obiously playing the highercards UTG and loosening up depending on position

I play mostly 4-6 tables

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Raidern   Brasil. Aug 02 2011 09:41. Posts 4243

i'd suggest you to look for every single Mipwnya hand here -----------------------> and try to figure out what he's doing

im a regular at nl5 

Thall   Switzerland. Aug 02 2011 10:36. Posts 355

  On August 02 2011 08:41 Raidern wrote:
i'd suggest you to look for every single Mipwnya hand here -----------------------> and try to figure out what he's doing

hehe, I am already doing this, but it often seems just too high for me with all the 3 and 4 betting going on preflop. I feel almost like reading loco's handhistories trying to beat the micros ;-)

ToT)MidiaN(    United Kingdom. Aug 02 2011 11:15. Posts 5070

Watch the gakn29 and verneer transitioning to PLO series on cardrunners. Gakn29 constructs some preflop ranges that should lead you to play about 25/20 ish

One day good. One day bad. And some days, even hope 

Thall   Switzerland. Aug 02 2011 11:22. Posts 355

  On August 02 2011 10:15 ToT)MidiaN( wrote:
Watch the gakn29 and verneer transitioning to PLO series on cardrunners. Gakn29 constructs some preflop ranges that should lead you to play about 25/20 ish

thanks alot ! Will do that

UpSwing   Canada. Aug 02 2011 11:51. Posts 134

u should be opening less from utg all the way to close to 100% from button... adapt to players and try to play a lot in pos. vs bad players and avoid close spots with good players


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