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Wake me up when Sept...

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exalted   United States. Sep 22 2011 15:10. Posts 2918
Frustrating month. Was a tough grind until a successful shot a few days ago. Then obviously the "EV" goes back. Lost many 90%s for lots of money.

This happened last month as well, but I only am complaining because of my current fragile mindset. Lots of small things tilting me and I'm definitely not playing my best (mistakes I don't want to admit). Need to de-tilt and return to normal.

Some things tilting me:
- at some of my worst physical shape ever
- all the FTP news leading to stupid speculation on whether I'll see funds
- relationship issues
- thinking about future plans

I want to start trading Forex - please PM if anyone is willing to discuss some.

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exalted from teamliquid :o 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Sep 22 2011 15:16. Posts 6374

ban baal 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Sep 22 2011 15:34. Posts 8648

i am unable to wake you up when september ends if i don't know the timezone in which you are located

Truck-Crash Life 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Sep 22 2011 16:27. Posts 6374

ban baal 

Eluflop   Estonia. Sep 22 2011 18:20. Posts 3835

exalted what stakes are you playing in Merge ? What shots did you take ?

longple    Sweden. Sep 22 2011 20:54. Posts 4472

losing 20-40 buyins is standard stuff, can happen in a 2000 hands against though players if the timing is a little bit off

ive lost 70-90% of my roll in a day 10 times + (probably 3-4 times this year only), and it will only make ya stronger everytime u crawl urself back from the shit!

 Last edit: 22/09/2011 20:57

longple    Sweden. Sep 22 2011 21:14. Posts 4472

hm i kinda regret my post it dosnt have much to do with anything else then im kind of a degenerate that learned the hard way ^^

move along sir!

breakeven/losing months are though, both swingy ones and noneswingy ones, atleast when irl isnt top noch

and i guess my point from then start was to experience these rough times, should be viewed positively pokerwise, for the future, and when looking back at hard times in poker ull mostly end up feeling pretty good about going through those hard times. cuz the higher u play the worse its gonna get, forever, and speaking for myself, nowadays even in shitty times outside of poker breaking even or losing large % of my roll dosnt bother me much at all anymore, because ive gone through shitty days irl + pokerwise when everything just seems hopeless, "ruining everything" so many times that u kinda just learn how to deal with it

and at the end you just get so hard that u almost never care anylonger then a couple of minutes from the most brutal of days, it hardly even effect ur quality of playing

but probably thats just me, im not considering all other factors that pokerplayers may have, like family etc, im just a kid that dont need that much money atm, and mostly just aiming for the highest of stakes in the future, so getting stuck haveing to regrind lower for a while again dosnt hurt as much if u have a goal like me of getting to XXX or as high as possible in the next couple of years, a month or to of rebuilding dosnt hurt much over such a timespan

and i think people who wanna do well in poker, and really play poker, should look at it as a longterm investment, and dont burrow urself in negative shit because of shortterm stuff! otherwise u should basically just give up and put the energy into something else, its not worth it feeling bad over poker if ur not in it for 100%! =)

 Last edit: 22/09/2011 21:20

YoMeR   United States. Sep 22 2011 21:37. Posts 12436

ah suck man. my month graph looks very similar to yours. I think the perma life tilt is still in me too. I'm making so many retardo spewy plays i normally wouldn't do (and i'm a spew monkey when i'm not on tilt )

Why start forex trading now? From what i researched on it it seems quite the volatile market and a few small mistakes can rape you. anyway if you do start that GL. Just keep in mind you're competing with all the other super huge sicko firms as well.

eZ Life. 

Smuft   Canada. Sep 24 2011 16:50. Posts 633

30k hand breakeven stretches are the most standard thing in life now. Obviously it is kinda tilting u ran bad during ur shot but still.

I think getting into the gym / eating right in ur current state is one of the hardest things to motivate urself to do right now but also probably exactly what you need.


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