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Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 26 2011 20:09. Posts 4742 | | |
Hey guys
A friend of mine once showed me something really cool, I could go in the start menu, and there up in some options there was this thingy called "sticky notes".
I've hated him ever since!!
It got to a point I almost got a nervous breakdown when my pc starts and I get all of the cluster in my face, so I started removing everyone that had no value, but still a lot left. And I don't want to put it in wordpad because it's all a big mess now and I don't know where I keep anything. So thought i'd be a really good idea to put it here.
Hopefully there's something for everyone to enjoy.
Stuff that fascinates me
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Empathy and learning
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Mindsight, the ability to enter other people's mind and learn what they have to offer!!
Hover knowledge from oneanother, people who had a good connection with their mom when born are good at this naturally. Others might want to get connection but not sure how to!
Eqopoise, ability to have the serenity to read the biases and failures in our own mind. (We are over confidence machines).
Some people have the ability, open minded, able to adjust, curious, these traits are often unrelated and uncorreleated with IQ.
Medice, sensitivity to the physical enviorment, ability to pick out patterns.
Sympathy, the ability to work within group (comes in handy because groups are smarter than individuals), face to face groups are smarter than groups that communicate electronicly, non verbal. The effectiveness of the group is not determined by the IQ of the group, but how well they communicate, take turns.
Pretending, blending, very difficult to master.
Limrance, a drive, a motivation, the concious mind hungers for success and prestige, the unconcious hungers for trancendance, when the skull line dissapear and we're lost in a challenge or a task. When a naturalist feels at one with nature, craftsman in his craft, beliver feels at one with God.
(Many of us feels it in love)
(Digression maybe, the greeks say we suffer our way to wisdom)
(We have a way too shallow view on human nature, need to get the depths of who we are).
Telling someone your goals will make them much more likely not to happen. So don't tell anyone.
Your mind mistakes the talking for the doing, say it in a way that gives no satisfaction
A black guy laying down the law
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When you want to succeede as bad as you want to breathe, you'll be successful.
Most people don't get successful, for when they get tired, fatigued of studying, they quit.. dont cry to quit, cry to not give up.
The most important thing is this, to be able at any moment, to sacrifice what you are, for what you will become.
You really willing to sacrifice stuff? programs? your phone? your pc? your drugs? your pokemon collection? your porn? your e-peen? (I added a few of my own here <3)
Some of you will have to give up cell phones, the time you could be using to be successful, you are wasting on nothing.
(Sacrifice what we are, for what we could be. I DONT DO WELL IN MATH, RIGHT, YOU NEVER STUDY IT!! i suck at writing, BUT YOU NEVER WRITE!!)
Right & Left hemisphere
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Right hemisphere!!
I am the right brain.
I m creativity. A free spirit. I am passion.
Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter.
I am teaste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet.
I am movement. Vivid colors.
I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas.
I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel.
I am everything I wanted to be.
Left hemisphere!!
Iam the left brain.
I am a scientist, A mathematician.
I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate, Linear.
Analytical. Strategic. I am practical.
Always in control. A master of words and language.
Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers.
I am order. I am logic.
I know exactly who I am.
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Driving force of all behaviour, amount of energy you have to expend. Conserve the time and energy we spend, distinctive way of acting.
why we are lazy, natural trait, neither good nor bad, can be good or bad.
Good way is when you find awesome solutions to do stuff without having to do much, or earn money by doing little.
Laziness has driven improvement in comfort, finding faster ways to do stuff, driving force of product.
Negative aspects, waste time, contribute less, less value your contribution have. Robs the potential of the individual who practices it, his possibilities in the present and his hopes for the future.
It's neutral, but how it's expressed that will allow us to make a negative or positive judgment about it.
I've always felt like I wasn't quite like all the other children, so I tried to figure out more "how" I felt, if there was a word or a description I felt fit, this is what felt the most right.
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Definition: Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.
Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."
When introverts want to be alone, it is not, by itself, a sign of depression. It means that they either need to regain their energy from being around people or that they simply want the time to be with their own thoughts. Being with people, even people they like and are comfortable with, can prevent them from their desire to be quietly introspective.
Being introspective, though, does not mean that an introvert never has conversations. However, those conversations are generally about ideas and concepts, not about what they consider the trivial matters of social small talk.
Wow Hotkey setup
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After I quit playing a few years ago I felt it might still come in handy to have my hotkey setup. I was avid dueler and a pvper, so it was important. It had to make sense, and I needed atleast 10 - 15 reflex keys, and I needed to reach them all on my keyboard.
| 1 2 3 4 5
alt |, alt 1, alt 2, alt 3, alt 4
shift |, shift 1, shift 2, shift 3, shift 4
a, d, r, f, v, x, g
shift+ a, d, r, f, g, v
ctrl |, ctrl 1, ctrl 2, ctrl 3
f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8
< (drink)
mouse left
shift + w
shift + space, ctrl + space
= 45
I'd also be set up in a way so that "very counter spell'ish" type spell would be on the same key on different classes. Everyone "controll, cc" type keys would be on the same keys. The "main damage keys on same'ish".
And the most important abilities would be double, so there would be two bars on top of eachother, so when that ability got used it was easier to see the cooldown when it was overlayed.
Jim Rohn
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1. At the end of each week, make a new to-do list entilted, "Weekly Goals". Write everything you want to accomplish in the next seven days.
2. Every night, make a new to-do list, entitled, "Daily Goals". Pull from your weekly list and routine every task you want finished tomorrow.
3. During your workday, focus only on completing the daily list. Pretend your other work doesn't exist. When you've finished the daily list, you're done for the day and you're not allowed to add more work.
Quote: Figure out what you want, and learn how to ask for it... ?
* When you're in something, you've gotta give it everything you've got. Or else, what are you doing??
Wisdom of the world available??
- Books read???
- classes to improve skills?
- Audio learning, practice?
* make meassureable progress and reasonable progress
- Be willing to face the numbers, fix whatever needs to be fixed in attitude, philosophhy, activity.
- Affirmations, as long as you affirm the truth
What the truth is for.... help us ammend our errors, and pick up new disiplines.
Process of life change, honest with yourself, it keeps feeding eachother, income change, lifestyle change, keeps spiraling upwards.
Do not curse what's available and start ammending what's possible to get the results you want.
- Instead of why, why not?
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” -Jim Rohn
Tony Robbinson
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- When things are going to shit, all hell is lose, usually, your just off by a few milimeters!! (golf analogy) what little change do i have to make for total different result.
- BE CERTAIN, instead of uncertain, that little drop in your chest!! Really FEEL it, don't drop it, tiny,tiny difference. Always be in the power state.
- Fuck that sucky voice that interrupts, train a new one, start an awesome one, INCANTATIONS!!
Don't just speak it, EMBODY IT, with enough repititions so it sticks in your world, and you get what you want, when you want it, wether it be bitches, fame or money. (hehe, I keep adding stuff here and there, hope people don't mind).
- The person who's MOST certain, will always influence the other person!!
- Anoying to have stuff in your pocket as a guy
- If you rest too long, the weed takes the garden, can't linger too much in the rest mode.
If you don't have to run after anything, or work for anything; how are you going to grow as a person and as a human being in life?
How will you see the value in others? How are you going to find your own values?
“The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group” -Tony Robbins
Awesome attitude to have
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Just give of yourself to others, smile, make them smile, help out, be awesome <3 Even the smallest of things matter, don't wait till you make your first million to make a difference. Every day offers us the oppertunity to affect one life, so get in the game.
Daniel Tammet wisdom
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Our personal perception are at the heart of how we aquire knowledge.
Estetic judgement, rather than abstract reasoning guide and shape the process by which we all (you and me) come to know what we know.
(This guy is a legendary Savant)
Intellectual thougts on gamers
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How can we take the feelings we get in-game and apply them to real life. Optimistic, anything is possible, never give up, try for hours, days, weeks, months. (Even years in some cases xD)
The 4 things gamers are really good at
* Urgent optimism, desire to act immedieatly, always worth trying, trying now.
* Social fabric.
* We like people better after we played with them, bonds trust corperations, blissful.
* Epic meaning, building epic research.
- Super empowered hopeful individuals
capable of changing the world, only problem is, they think they can change only the in-game world, not irl.
- Stronger social, better feedback, more rewarded, it makes perfect sense to spend more time in games, although not optimal.
- We are using games to escape, from everything that is broken, not working, not satisfying.
A few random things
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- Give myself 30 day challenges, small ones at first, then larger and larger. Where in the end i'm really awesome doing crazy shit.
10 list of thigs I know to be true
(What you're passionate about, and what other might be invested in).
10 things I should have learned by now.
The number one rule on being cool is to be unphased (I'm kinda cool, sometimes, I think)
Catch all of it, beautiful things, misery, whatever it is, catch it.
Spoken word poetry, can create immediate attention. Take risks, challenge yourself.
When you're speaking, they're not just waiting for their turn to talk.
Began, when I realized I didn't have to.
It's probably a good idea to take better care of my health and psyche, read a little more, train a little more, get a little smarter. Should maybe spend more time with family and friends, get more routines, work harder. Always felt I was a crushing beast at everything I tried at, so why not try at everything. (Roarrrr fzzzt psschh grrawrll) <-- This is my immitation of a lion
Poker Related
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Player Types
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Player Types!!!
* Maniac ( Too loose and bluffs a lot )
= Play Tight, call his bets a lot
* Nit ( Too tight, bluffs too little )
= Play loose, fold to his bets a lot
* Loose Passive ( Too loose, bluffs too little, won't bet a lot himself)
= Play tight, fold to his bets a lot
* Good Regular (Not in a category)
= You figure it out!! <3
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- If he folds to 3-bets, 3-bet
- If he doesnt fold to 3-bets, 3-bet only for value
- If he folds to C-bet, c-bet more
- If he doesnt fold to C-bet, c-bet only for value
- If he bets when checked to, check to him with strong hands
- If he checks when checked to, lead strong and check draws/mediocre
Video Routine
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Whenever you watch a video, pause it when a situation arises, and he's about to give his idea, analyze on it and make your own. (Say aloud) his range, how to exploit. Then play the video and see if the video maker agrees with you. (note if a guy gathers more than you, or less, what you should be looking for)
Peptalk to myself
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Follow your intuition, fold when you think
Emotional control > almost everything
Observe your thougts!!!
Perfect Play, every hand.
1 poker vod
2 liter vann
heng opp klær
2 tima med 6 max
2 tima med HU
30 min analyze av hender, resten fri
Always try get in the zone, Be one with the Flow!!! Never tilt, never let negativity take over. Test yourself!!
Be optimistic, never pessimistic
Jungleman's hud + Video coaches I should look into
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Jungleman's Hud
Vpip in blinds, flop cbet, c/f to flop cbet most useful. 3b, fold to 3b, 4b c/r flop, 2nd barrel
Syous hu
Hielko 6max
Vick is God hu or 6 max?
Wiltontilt hu
Foxwoodsfiend hu
Whitelime (i think hu)
Some of VanDerMeyde / Erlingho's poker knowledge (Warning, this won't be understood unless you're a Scandinavian, sorry =])
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Bløff-linjer som fungerer mot fleste regs: (Veldig viktig å skrive ned mot hvem eventuelle bløffer ble vist frem mot)
- 3-bet vs timeout open raise fra sen posisjon (har aldri sett noen timeout raise LP og syne 3-bet/4-bette før, men en gang må bli første?
Tror det har noe å gjøre med at det er veldig naturlig å raise kjapt med en god hånd fra sen pos)
- Bet vs timeout check på xxx A turn til deg (folk checker gjerne fort om esset hjalp dem)
- double barrells på bord der jeg kunne ha bydd på top paret på flop 2 ganger og det kommer ett overkort til second top pair på turn.
- By når han checker på flopper han alltid ville bydd på om han hadde hatt noe
- Reraise over en reg som har minraiset over en som er short og allin preflop
- Reraise over en som byr lite i en situasjon der han burde bydd mye hvis han hadde hatt en bra hånd
(f.eks 3 veis mot meg og fisk på en A Ts 5s flop)
Value bet linjer som fungerer mot mange regs: (Viktig å få med hvem jeg brukte hvilken value bet linje mot)
- Checke på flopper jeg alltid ville ha bydd på om jeg hadde hatt noe (fører ofte til at han byr for deg + bra for balance)
- Bet flop - check turn (OOP) (fører ofte til at han byr for deg + bra for balance)
- By høyere i spots der ett mindre bet ville vært naturlig for value (f.eks med 45 inn i 50 med A på K Q J T) (Fører ofte til marginale syn)
- By når blir checka til på dry bord ala 848 med hender som har A høy slått, gjerne double barrell. (blir ofte synt ned av Ax)
- By videre i spots der han forstår at han ser svak ut i dine øyne. (Fører ofte til at han velger å syne ned light eller bløff-reraise)
- Limp når jeg ikke har limpet på lang tid (Fører ofte til at han raiser limpen med en veldig wide range)
- Raise veldig lavt over en limper (f.eks 2.5xbb) (Fører ofte til en 3-bet bløff)
- Timeout open raise preflop (fører ofte til en 3-bet bløff)
- Syn kjapt ett bud på flop, timeout syn bud på turn, syn /reraise river med sterk hånd som KQ på K Q 5 7 (fører ofte til en double-tripple
barrell bløff der du blir satt på Qx eller lignende, en mediocre hand som ikke tåler veldig mye action + bra for balance)
Fold/gi opp som funker mot regs:
- Når de insta byr eller bruker mer enn 6 sekunder så er det ofte valuebet
- Når du byr en stor del av stacken din på turn/river med f.eks 30-40% igjen og de INSTA shover over budet ditt
- Når de insta checker xxx A turn etter å ha C/C flop (betyr ofte esset)
Syn som funker mot regs:
- Når de bruker 1-3 sekunder er det ofte bløff
Awh man, what a relif, now my desktop is so clean and tidy, yay xD <3
| Last edit: 26/09/2011 20:37 |
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Celz   Norway. Sep 26 2011 20:15. Posts 11 | | |
So sick! Haven't read LP in a while, and I was bored, so I decided to check out some blogs and this is the first I found. Thanks a lot! It made my evening. Cheers. |
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hellokittery   United States. Sep 26 2011 20:32. Posts 1399 | | |
If you're a big note taker, maybe check out Evernote. It has stuff like tagging notes and syncing and stuff |
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Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 26 2011 20:56. Posts 4742 | | |
| On September 26 2011 19:32 hellokittery wrote:
If you're a big note taker, maybe check out Evernote. It has stuff like tagging notes and syncing and stuff |
Thank you'z |
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Highcard   Canada. Sep 26 2011 21:47. Posts 5428 | | |
thanks for the stuff, any chance you can translate the scandi stuff? |
I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time | |
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morph1   Sierra Leone. Sep 27 2011 19:59. Posts 2352 | | |
nice read
lol i didn't know for sticky notes in windows7 i was actualy searching program like that for some time... ty ![](/images/smilies/smile.gif) |
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life | |
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scriber   . Sep 28 2011 07:45. Posts 299 | | |
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Ket   United Kingdom. Sep 28 2011 17:00. Posts 8665 | | |
+1 Evernote is so f good, syncing across all types of devices that could possibly exist too |
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Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 29 2011 14:38. Posts 4742 | | |
I've downloaded it, and had a look, atm it looks like some easier version of wordpad. But I'll use it more later tonight =] |
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ShLiM   United Kingdom. Oct 07 2011 08:32. Posts 940 | | |
Seat 5: patatino showed [Qd 2d] and won ($609,730) with a pair of Twos | |
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Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 04 2012 06:39. Posts 4742 | | |
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