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The next major events.

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 04 2011 18:05. Posts 688
Yo, guys. I'm bored right now so I decided to share my insight on what's gonna happen worldwide. USA+NATO are everywhere right now and they are encircling little by little the most valuable of all goals - Iran. Syria is soon going to be "liberated" by the Nobel Peace (of shit) prize winner B. Obama. Basically, we are in the endspiel right now. There is one left square to be occupied by the Western Powers and they are not gonna say "meh, we liberated everyone except for those Iranian fuckers, we'll leave em alone". Can't happen! China and Russia on the other hand have already officialy said that if Iran is attacked (liberated), they will come to help cause otherwise USA+NATO will have ALL the Asia+Africa and build bases and control oil so they won't let it happen. We really have two very strong urges - one offensive and the other defensive. I believe WW3 is just around the corner. Moreover they need to distract people from all the hate that governments would take in because of the financial crisis so a WW would be perfect for distraction. All countries would be full of debt when everything is over, infrastructure would be destroyed. And just about then, we would see the white horse - the SOLUTION.

Basically, the plan goes like this - Occupy X movement would continue full throttle. Then WW3 starts and everyone protests. If there isn't enough violance, it will be created so that Martial Law can be called. Remember, there has to be mass riots for Martial Law to be called! When everything is over and nobody has money, the Big Boys come in and say - Hey, here is what we will do - if you want no wars and riots, we would create One World Government and there will only be one army so that nobody can fight each other. We should unite the whole world and live happily forever after. The sheeple would be very thankful and accept the offer not realising they are going to the slaughter house. When everyone is united and under the control of one government body, then all the sheep is in the barn. You put em a nice cool microchip under the propaganda that it is for your children's safety because everyone is a terrorist, then the adults are microchipped and you have a barn full of microchipped sheep that are under total control. Big Brother is coming for you!

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Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/11/2011 18:08

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 04 2011 18:24. Posts 13829

how will the one world government be organized? will it have a president?

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 04 2011 18:28. Posts 688

Sure. Ron Paul for example. A very good old man. Or is he?
The thing is... if you were Hitler right now you would say stg like "nice plan!" It's globalisation from the back door. Double pentration from behind shall we say...

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 04/11/2011 18:31

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 04 2011 18:29. Posts 13829

who will own the one world government?

will pieces of it be sold like shares in a corporation?

 Last edit: 04/11/2011 18:29

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 19:23. Posts 5647

so what, big deal, bring on the microchips. Then, to space! and glory! How can an un-united humanity ever colonize mars?

Zep   United States. Nov 04 2011 20:27. Posts 2292

I don't disagree with you that much. Damn it. So what do we do to prevent all the bullshit?

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 04 2011 21:44. Posts 34261

You thinkt hey have far more control and are more organized than they are, while they make their efforts to pursue their goals chaos is the main order, enforcing martial law would only guarantee their quick fall from power, they want to control the flow of the river, not oppose it.

Violent direct government opression is usually quickly overturned, but slow manipulation works much much better, they didnt have to enforce the Patriot Act, at its time people wanted it.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

spets1   Australia. Nov 05 2011 00:10. Posts 2179

yeah they have far less control. And ww3 is not that easy to start. All the major players have nuclear weapons. So its a MAD scenario. No government will want that. Remember wars only start when one is weaker than the other.

And the west has not been as weak as it is now in the last 100 or so years comparred to asia.

Another problem with one world government if it is to be enacted is racial differences. No matter what you say europeans will stick to europeans and asians with asians. Plus there are arabs. You cant have one world government with so many different people. There has to be an agreement between asian/euro/arab leaders which will never happen. Or if it will it will last a short time before it is overthrown.

Remember we are the 99!


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 05 2011 05:36. Posts 688

Well, of course it's not an easy task to accomplish that but they can just have the official power of 1 World Government while at the same time Bulgarians will stay mostly among Bulgarians, Chinese with Chinese and so on but the laws would be coming from one place. Just like the Euro Zone. It's not that EU has 100% power over EU countries but they do manage to lead the crowd in their main objectives even though most Europeans don't want it. So, they want to make a bigger model of EU where everyone is traced, chipped and all personal information is digitalized and accessible by the Government. It's not so difficult or far fetched. They are already microchipping army officers and children as a role model. They already are tracing lots of people through GPS on their phones or different applications even when turned off. There are lawsuit suing Facebook & Google for datamining and tracing website history of users and just little stuff like that which are not SUPER BAD on their own but when combined would mean Total Control/Big Brother.

Open your Facebook account and think how much info you have given about your interests, political views, friends, understandings of the world, everything. When they find someone doesn't like how the 1 World Government acts and wants to protest or tell other people, they just switch his chip off and he can't buy food. The Bible talks about the Mark of the Beast, how everyone would be in line and marked with it and would buy food with it. Kinda creepy eh? And who REwrote the Bible, who wrote Big Brother? Maybe someone who knows things? Just think about it. Those fuckers just want money and control. They have plenty of money and all they need now is world control. How do you do that? Create a worldwide chaos, make everyone seek solution, propose all-loving uniting for everyone through 1 world government, voila - everyone is under the same bracket. If I was going for ALL, that's what I would do. Those fuckers that I am talking about hide everything in plain sight. They even talk about their plans on world conferences, but we are not invited, are we?

This speech is made in 1991, 11th of Septemtber, exactly 10 years to the day before 9/11/01

They even made a card game in 1995 called illuminati card game, where the purpose is to conquer the world LOL. Yeah, kids loved it :D. Here are a few cards from the game to make you think.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 05/11/2011 06:08

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 05 2011 05:51. Posts 688

Get a dollar bill and read the signs they have left.

Annuit Coeptis - announcing the beginning (may be translated in different ways)

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Secular World Order

The Eye - the All seeing Eye of Big Brother.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 05/11/2011 05:52

spets1   Australia. Nov 05 2011 06:19. Posts 2179

but euro is failing. Greece will soon leave the euro. After that its probably going to fall apart as portugal, spain and italy are also in similar situation as greece.

China is now gaining power so we are going to have bipolar world with 2 superpowers at least. Chinese are investing alot into africa and asia. The are at a conflict with US. Especially over the resources. For exaample lybia got smashed by US/west and all oil contracts are going to eu/us companies. China,russia,india are banned. This is pissing the chinese off.


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 05 2011 06:36. Posts 688

Exactly. China and Russia are getting encircled and banned from huge oil fields in almost all oil-rich countries. They are getting fed up with this shit. The EU is coming to its demise or at least financially. People are starting to wake up to the banking system. And US/West needs more oil and control. How does the US/West deal with all this? Distract people from the financial situation, funnel their anger at others like Iran who are evil nuking monsters. Media will do its job. War is over and who takes the blame? Not the financial institutions or governments but Iran and Russia and China who will be made look evil. Everyone is in debt so what do we do? We unite and rebuild everything with bank loans. Everyone under 1 government and everyone in debt.
The 1% is happy, we suck black dicks.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

spets1   Australia. Nov 05 2011 07:52. Posts 2179

but there are 3 governments. Us, china, russia


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 05 2011 07:59. Posts 688

Heads would have to fall. The important thing here is that if WW3 is to be started it has to happen before the West+USA run out of money. There will be huge expenditures in such a war so they will have to hurry up before they are unable to finance it. If they wait a little more all currencies would hyperinflate and as we all see, many countries are fighting to stay afloat. So we have the when - extremely soon. We have the where - Iran. We don't know how. If USA/West attacks Iran just like that it might be too obvious that they will be the evil starters of the doom. So maybe there will be a staged event where Iran takes the blame, who knows. That's my bet for now.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 05/11/2011 08:14

spets1   Australia. Nov 05 2011 09:35. Posts 2179

but there cant be an all out war cos everyone got nukes.


D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Nov 05 2011 10:10. Posts 688

How is that a problem? If WW3 starts there will be many more deaths than in WW1 or 2 because of nukes and other mass destructive weapon. But who said governments care whether there would be 500 million deaths or 2 billion. It's just statistics to them, they don't hold the gun pointed at someone's head, hearing his prayers. They just sign a few papers, give a few orders and go to their ranch to fuck a few bitches in the Jacuzzi. It doesn't have effect on their life/reality. All about the money just like WW1 and 2. I don't know if nuclear weapons would be used but even if they are not there a thousands nuclear reactors worldwide that could do huge damage. Just look at 1 of them - Fukushima and imagine a whole country or continent full of nuclear reactors being attacked. I don't know how it will play out but it won't be like " oh they got nukes, so we won't attack them". More like "we would nuke em first before they nuke us." The predator mentality is what drives them.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

uiCk   Canada. Nov 05 2011 10:30. Posts 3521

Take your pills brah

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

spets1   Australia. Nov 05 2011 10:33. Posts 2179

the problem is the nukes allow the two countries to destroy everything. All you have to do is aim at pentagon and washington a few nukes and the war is over.


tapatapaz   Brasil. Dec 17 2011 12:43. Posts 1279

the nukes keep the world at peace, every country should own them

And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 


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