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ADD Part 3 - The Rubifen Road to Riches

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qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 22:02. Posts 14026
Went to see the psychiatrist today following my trips to the psychologist from a while back.

Pretty much asked/answered a lot of similar questions and some other stuff. He was a cool guy and his intern sat in too. It was wierd having to go into detail about my career as a counter-strike and WC3 player from when i was younger. They both think I have an addiction to the internet, which im not sure I do, I just really really like it.

So i got prescribed Rubifen

Its a fast acting one, so im supposed to take 4 a day and i got 1 weeks supply, later I will look at getting a longer acting one once the dosage is worked out because it differs person to person.

So, im about to pop the first of these bad boys. Not really sure what to expect or what to do. So i think ill try and read one of the many unread e-books thats sitting on my hard drive.

Since its function is to allow me to focus on things properly, I will have to choose something to focus on.

any advice or tips are welcome.

Will report back soon with the results and let you know if they did anything.

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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 22:19. Posts 5647

time to try out your new superpowers!

hoylemj   United States. Nov 04 2011 22:25. Posts 840

Cool, thanks for sharing. I've heard a little bit about internet addiction...

edzwoo   United States. Nov 04 2011 22:32. Posts 5911

make a big post in the rofl thread before you take it, then make another big post after.

if the quality drops, toss the rubifen.

ToylandPoker   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 22:53. Posts 39

Hello Kiwi :D

Novice player, take suggestions with a grain of salt and I welcome feedback. 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 22:54. Posts 14026


OK well, its been about 25 minutes since i took it, not sure how long it takes to kick in.

felt a bit light headed after a few minutes but i feel pretty normal at the moment. I ate lunch and watched an episode of 2months2million. I still feel quite similar, although I'm fidgeting less and I watched the episode uninterrupted throughout. Normally i pause like every 7 minutes and browse and stuff.

I also found myself reading the entire promo-banners for other g4 programs. So maybe its working.

Upon just doing some reading, the people on this forum say 10mg might not be enough to have an effect. But since i took mine at the same time as eating i guess it will be absorbed slower. So maybe after an hour or so if I don't feel like its doing much I might try another one. I think that's what the psychiatrist suggested....

Mind you this forum seems to be a bunch of pill poppers who prefer to snort the ADD medication they get their hands on. Not doing that.

Guess my ability to read complete written passages has improved. I might open a book, or maybe play some Quake Live since I'm interested to know what its like on this.

ShLiM   United Kingdom. Nov 04 2011 22:58. Posts 940

pls report
im pretty sure i have this thing too (ADD), ive just read ur part1, part2 blogs, and my mind is blown. >.<

Seat 5: patatino showed [Qd 2d] and won ($609,730) with a pair of Twos 

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 04 2011 23:02. Posts 3478

"Methylphenidate possesses structural similarities to amphetamine and its pharmacological effects are more similar to those of cocaine" , enjoy your cocaine sir

10mg isn't much at all, especially since only 30-40% of it gets released instantly, while the 60-70% gets released over ~8hrs. I'm on Concerta right now, which is similar to what you're taking. just got my dosage upped to the max (112mg lol), since it wasn't doing too much for me.

are you normally hyperactive/fidgety? I'm not hyperactive at all, but methylphenidate makes me quite fidgety :/

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 04/11/2011 23:04

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 23:08. Posts 14026

I dont think I have the hyperactive part, in that im not charging around constantly.

I do fidget a lot, as part of having a need for constant stimulation / something going on. Jiggling my legs, mindlessly clicking mouse, rocking back and forth on my chair. Anything that distracts me from something that isnt interesting to me.

I feel a little more peaceful at the moment, but I still dont think its had a huge effect so I will try another one. Its wierd that the psychiatrist and pharmacist gave different information on how to take them.

Ill take another in 10 minutes and see how i go.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 04 2011 23:23. Posts 14026

Took another one.

I feel more peaceful is that supposed to happen or am i imagining it?

I didnt sleep much last night so i wonder if thats affecting it.

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. Nov 04 2011 23:29. Posts 1525

try playing poker.

Zorglub   Denmark. Nov 04 2011 23:55. Posts 2870

Snorting them is a bad choice, once you do it you can't go back to just eating them because the effect will be gone. I will recommend reading philosophy, religion and science, if you keep doing that for a while you will probably realize things you never could have imagined before, or at least you will be smarter than before.

Playing poker is like throwing your life down the drain so unless you can't live without the money I wouldn't recommend it. Throw out your TV and read and discuss. Start using your imagination and intuition, trust your intuition and see where it takes you.

I started out with nothing and I still got most of it leftLast edit: 04/11/2011 23:59

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 00:02. Posts 14026

Ill try playing poker, but only once im comfortable with the effect theyre having on me that im sure its not going to cause me to do anything wierd.

I took another and played QL, it didnt feel like the extra one had any effect, maybe they are. Its been 40 minutes since i took it. Also didnt turn me into Cooller lol

Maybe its kind of like when youre drunk and you think youre sober and then the next day you realize how drunk you were.

Might text the psychiatrist and ask him about the dosage i should experiment with.

I have no desire to snort them, they seemed to be doing all sorts of stuff to the pills to separate out the different chemicals to allow for maximum effect. Im not really into any of that. Also apparently it makes the inside of your nostrils red raw.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 01:04. Posts 5328

is internet addiction and add related? I used to be addicted to WoW and i couldn't think the same way as my normal brain could when i played it. The more i'm using technology the less capable my brain is of working normally.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 01:19. Posts 14026

Well, they said internet addiction but imo, I think its more that if you have ADD you will fucking love computers/internet.

youtube / music / multiple tabs in browser, you can just be switching around constantly at a whim. Whatever it is you want to know, listen to, experience etc. is right there.

So I think thats part of it, also my social circles at school were all built around video games, so they did provide an important social function to me for most of my life, but the games also gave me that instant gratification and competition that I guess i was looking for.

Because i couldn't concentrate at school, I guess i latched on to gaming in a way because it was something I was in total control of. The psychiatrist talked about constantly seeking dopamine highs and I guess gaming fits right in there because you get that excitement, particularly with multiplayer games.

When you say you couldnt think the way you normally would with WoW what was it like? I dont think I ever had a serious addiction to WoW coz i only palyed it for 3 months at original release and a further 3 recently albeit that was just grinding to 85 to see if i had the willpower to do so because i never got my first character to 60, but I did miss a shit load of 6th form classes during that first time, to the point where they phoned me to ask if i had dropped out.

I was highly addicted to Ultima Online though, and it pretty much took over my life for a period when i was 16/17. Wake up, log on, play all day, sleep. Literally no real life in between.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 01:32. Posts 5328

when i was 16/17 i played WoW until 3 am on school nights. Played it a ton for 1 and a half years. it broke my brain down because when i was playing it heavily i couldn't focus on listening to people. my attention span was less than 2 seconds, and this ended up in me not remembering anything in class for months.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Nov 05 2011 02:15. Posts 14026

Well that could be a result of lack of sleep I guess.

I used to play like that when i was at school, CS, UT, WC3, whatever. I would get home from school and play games for as long as possible before the next day of school. Id often go to bed at 4 or 5am and get up at 8:30am and go to school.

Used to routinely fall asleep on the bus and fell asleep in class once and got woken up by the teacher infront of everyone

Pretty sure these Rubifen have worn off now, ill take some more in an hour or so. I wonder if body-mass has anything to do with the effect they have. Because if children are taking the same ones im probably going to need a lot more because i weigh equivalent of multiple children.

 Last edit: 05/11/2011 02:16

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 05 2011 02:19. Posts 3478

also spent a ton of time playing WoW, although I don't really regret it..

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 05 2011 02:29. Posts 3478

i remember reading a study where methylphenidate was improving the sleep quality of the adhd test group.

ever since I've been taking a large dose of it my sleep quality has been improving. I usually sleep 10-13hrs/day, now im sleeping 7-8hrs/day while feeling more refreshed.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 05/11/2011 02:30

RaiNKhAN    United States. Nov 05 2011 03:16. Posts 4080

After reading your post the first thing that came to mind was onset depression as a result of abuse. If you don't notice an improvement do not go beyond the stated amount to be taken. I've been on painkillers before such as percocet and it gave me panic attacks/strong anxiety/onset depression. Pharmaceuticals never have done me well long-term, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I care about. That's the problem with psychiatrists and psychologists. You stop seeing a psychologist because you feel like talking to someone isn't getting anything done, but when you see a psychiatrist you are paying a legal drug dealer to give you the good stuff. Gotta find salvation within and man up/figure out the problem the natural way through health food stores n' shit/communicating with friends and just flat out talking it out with people

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