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Parisians, Help!

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Gumster   Sweden. Dec 02 2011 06:19. Posts 2291
Sup LP,

I am in paris for the weekend and I have heard that one of the things you should do here is just walk the streets. So I am wondering:

1. What streets are worth walking on? From what I gather, the whole city is divided into arrondisements, is there any one of these that is particularily good for walking? What streets should I see?

2. What casinos are there and what is the best?

3. Does anyone know of a cheap hostel in central paris?

4. Any wicked hiphop/soul/jazz concerts this weekend? Anyone know a site where I can check?


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Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

iop   Sweden. Dec 02 2011 06:38. Posts 4951

You should go and visit the area "Marais" - even though it's more commonly known as the "gay area" , it's a nice place to walk around in.

Montmatre, Sacré-Cœur, and Champs-Élysées visit these place, the first two are sightseeing, third for shopping.

I rented an apartment for €80 per night when I was in Paris, the apartment was very nice. Check Blocket.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

kingpowa   France. Dec 02 2011 09:08. Posts 1525

I never played live, but most famous place in Paris is :
For what I know, you have to be well dressed (can't enter with sneakers).
Another one :

I'm not a parisian, though I have spent quite a lot time there visiting friends.
If you want to visit the most famous areas, so obvisouly kinda touristic, I just made a quick "balade" in the center of Paris. (just walking or with a bike).
With some points for the must see buildings or places.,2.358885&spn=0.034281,0.079222

As Iop said, you may visit Montmatre wih is in the North East also.

sorry for shitty english. 

Raidern   Brasil. Dec 02 2011 09:15. Posts 4243

watch your pockets, seriously
you can find a standard touristic map everywhere. this map has all the subway lines and touristic places. there's a hostel called 'Woodstock', it's very close to the sacré-coeur (or whatever its called) and 200m from a subway station. simple place but very cheap if that's what you're looking for.

edit- sickest place i saw in paris was the national musique academy:

im a regular at nl5Last edit: 02/12/2011 09:17

kingpowa   France. Dec 02 2011 09:21. Posts 1525

It's the Opéra Garnier in the eight (wrong : ninth).
Those are the big buildings and rich parts. If you go there, visit Place Vendome.

sorry for shitty english.Last edit: 02/12/2011 09:25

kingpowa   France. Dec 02 2011 09:39. Posts 1525

For concert, I like "La fleche d'or" or "Le point éphémère". Which are kinda indy. But not really hip hop/soul/jazz.

sorry for shitty english. 

Gumster   Sweden. Dec 02 2011 12:15. Posts 2291

  On December 02 2011 08:08 kingpowa wrote:
I never played live, but most famous place in Paris is :
For what I know, you have to be well dressed (can't enter with sneakers).
Another one :

it says on aviationclub's :

Admission requirements
In order to enter and play in our establishment you must be 18 years old. To register, a current validity ID is needed, and you must pay the annual membership fee (100 €). The 2011 membership fee ends on December 31st.

seems kinda steep to pay 100€ for one visit or am i missunderstanding something? and i don't understand much of the other site, is there a fee of some sort to get in there or?

Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

Darace   France. Dec 02 2011 14:54. Posts 255

Yes there is. If you're just here for the weekend don't bother playing poker, it's not worth it.
Paris isn't that big so you can do a lot of stuff over a single weekend. Walk by the Seine, explore the 4th/5th/6th (everything within walking distance), then 18th and Champs-Elysées. That's a good start for a first weekend.

 Last edit: 02/12/2011 15:11

casinocasino   Canada. Dec 02 2011 15:06. Posts 3343

100 euro free? wow thats new from the last time i've been their. seems like a move to attract locals players over tourists.

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Dec 02 2011 15:13. Posts 5230

lol its a 100 euro subscription fee, not 100euros for free, so if youre only gonna play 1 night its a pretty bad deal
and regarding raidern's "watch your pockets" comment, dont listen to him, unless youre a northeastern brazilian youre safe

 Last edit: 02/12/2011 15:14

PillPoppin   United States. Dec 02 2011 18:09. Posts 71

The street worth walking most is Champs Elysees or however u spell it. Beautiful view from the top, and theres cool stuff everywhere there. Oh and all the poker rooms are on that street.

As for nightclubs and and places to get shitfaced, id say the notre dame area hands down. If you are there past when the metro stops running make sure you have wherever ure drinking at call u a taxi cause it can take hours to get 1 otherwise. (atleast thats what happened to me)

Imo if your gonna play a lot of poker while your their and rolled for 2/4 euro+ its probably worth it to throw down the 100euros at aviation club.

Dealers are excelent, very fishy, less shortstacks, and the everyone seems to have fancy play syndrome in france.

As mentioned before, dress code is strictly enforced, no sneakers and ure shirts gotta have a collar. Torn jeans are no bueno too.

 Last edit: 02/12/2011 18:14


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