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2012: Grow up?

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GoTuNk   Chile. Dec 30 2011 15:23. Posts 2860
So 2011 is about to be over, and I've been thinking a lot (as every year lols) on my future plans and what I want to achieve next year, and my main conclusion is I'm not living up to what I consider my potencial and that I have 2 clear straight paths ahead of me.

My company has been decently successfull and I'm really happy about winning the powerlifting nationals (u can read bellow); however it is true both success has been

Path 1:

I could continue doing what I'm doing now, and be like everyone else. Get drunk ocassionally (aka get wasted x4 a week) the entire summer, and drinking ocassionally trough the year. Keep going to university and passing classes barely with minimum study, and playing tons of starcraft cause I love it and I'm among the top foreigners now. Keep my company running and make like 20k trough the year before we have to spend like 15k in more equipment and profit 35k for the next 2 years.

This path will lead me to living like everyone else, getting a job for a starting salary of 2k in 2 more years and moving away from home in like 5 years or a bit earlier if my brothers wanna help me up (luckily they both doing very well and making tons of money, though I think they are expending more than they should because of their wives/kids)
I will keep looking average with a chubby belly cause I'll keep lifting and being the strongest guy I know, but won't be setting records nor having a 6-pack cause alcohol impairs recovery too much to allow it.

Path 2:

I could pick up poker again and just grind nl25/nl50 for a few extra bucks which will come in handy and evaluate if i'm enjoying/have the skills to start moving up again and working on my game (left it like in february this year after losing 70% of my br).

I could give up on alcohol, as the ammount of wasted money/time and side effects (getting fat and lifting less) is astounding, specially considering how much I usually drink. It's prolly not worth it getting some pussy (really sporadically aswell t.t) against having a perfect body, making a lot of money and having the potential to pick up hotter chicks in the future with said body/money (and the confidence that comes with it)

My company could sell a lot more if I/we respondend mails in time (we need a secretary soon hopefully ), took time to go sell to some gyms as they requested and stopped slacking and started the process of making a new import as there is some equipment (oly shoes/bumper plates) that are ridicously overpriced from the other provider (1 guy) and we could make a shitload of profit, even though we should be careful to not start a prize war.

So given all of the above I plan the follow:

Get wasted for new year and stop drinking for 3 and a half weeks in which I would complete smolov squat cycle first phase. This should bring my squat raw max from 150kg to 170kg (my belt/wraps max). Then re eval, prolly consuming moderate alcohol in the following 2 weeks which involve light training before the following 4 weeks of nightmare, on which I won't drink again. After it, this could bring my squat anywhere in the 200-230kg range. In the long rung, I should just stop drinking.

Pick up poker again and play moderately at nl25 while I keep playing starcraft cause I want to try winning some stuff starting after new year, but eventually start working on my poker game and ditching starcraft completely. That is, if I can be decent againt (beat nl100) and actually enjoy it. Remember in latin america 2k month is a lot of money .

Actually do what my company needs and stop not doing it because of lazyness.

So that's what I hope for 2012, seems a solid plan.

tldr: Stop drinking, pick up poker again, work on my company, break national records in powerlifting.

Edit: added Smolov Squat Cycle. Curenntly on the first week of the "indroductory phase"

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 Last edit: 30/12/2011 15:24

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Dec 30 2011 15:55. Posts 5230

good idea to cut the drinkin a little, feels so much better not to be hung over 4 days a week
plus you can keep drinkin without gettin smashed, you pretty much have the same amount of fun and it dsnt hurt your body as much
as for women alcohol probably shouldnt be needed to pick em up, no matter how shy you might be if you consistenly put yourself out of your comfort zone and try hard you just wont need alcohol anymore

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Dec 30 2011 16:26. Posts 5647

Pretty sweet. Go for it man, I'm teetotalin, and I gotta tell you, it is REALLY easy to pretend to be drunk and hit on chicks, so no worries there. Mostly about moving the interaction forward while acting like you just don't care.

Is your company selling something to gyms? sounds like a great thing to put effort into and go big or go home. I think it would have alot more potential for earnings than playing poker would?

Btw, when you are trying to knock off fat ( or maybe don't bother cause its no thang to a power lifter? ) what do you do? I am wanting to cut down on fat from about 10% to 6%, you have any recommended plan of attack you use?

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Dec 30 2011 17:34. Posts 8623

Good luck!

whamm!   Albania. Dec 30 2011 19:07. Posts 11625

drinking zaps your energy - not good for anything positive in life if you do it frequently
but nothing beats it if you just wanna have a good time and want to celebrate and be happy about. so only drink when happy, not drink to be happy.
heard it in some stupid romcom movie lol


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