Felt like doing some math:
If hero's range is extremely wide, after the 5bet he should be calling any2. I'd use J8s to elaborate:
7,311,641 games 7.798 secs 937,630 games/sec
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 34.967% 34.56% 00.40% 2527273 29503.50 { Jc8c }
Hand 1: 65.033% 64.64% 00.40% 4725933 29503.50 { 55+, A9s+, KJs+, QJs, ATo+, KQo }
65 to win 200, so he needs 0,325 equity, which he has.
If hero has a tight 4betting range, 5betting is obv retarded, given he has basically no fold equity and he is crushed by hero's range. |