well, only the worst of players will call a strong reraise when they minraise with a FD like this villain. anybody with half a brain will give up their awful attempt at a semi-bluff raise, so almost all of the time you're only getting called by a much better hand when you reraise a minraise, unless you already have an extremely strong hand (not like in this case).
however, when you just call you can give them bad but not horrible odds on the turn, which they might call. you can also induce a river bluff by showing weakness, like in this case.
so when opponents have draws and they minraise, and you have a hand like a pair without a redraw, like the above, then the only way you can get more value out of them is by just calling the minraise. also, you save money when you're WB by just calling it too.
i'm not saying you should never reraise a minraise when you have a hand like the one above. sometimes it will be obvious that it's a shitty semi-bluff draw, because your opponent is very aggressive and has overbet / strongly bet real hands before, so he can't be minraising with a set or something. other times it will be obviously a big hand, such as when your opponent is auto-rated "weak tight." |