what is the best flop and turn line here?villan is very aggro pre 32/27 17 3b,i dont think he will stuck off worst pre and he's 3bet light here a lot.
i'm happy flatting pre ,protecting my flatting range/keeping his bluff in
I guess 100bb deep x/calling it down would be pretty decent line, but 170bbs deep I would x/r this turn. He has a lot of Ahx, QhJx type of hands that are going to pay some more to see the river. When he's overaggro its sweet to x/r (T) and x/c blank (R), and x/f almost every heart.
raise flop, raise turn, this is a very dangerous flop that will either kill your action if not making you beat once the flush hit
If villain is aggro probably 4b pf due to deepness, I guess flatting is possible here but thats probably the maximum stack I'd do it with vs an aggro player
i call turn - CR shove almost all non heart rivers
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same
Hey Tom do you think at 100nl my c/r on non hearts river wouold get called by worst that deep?
Also do you think he will value fire 3 streets here?i dont see him 3betting pre 55 66 and sometimes he might flat pre 1010 as well,but he
would def 3 bet all hearts combos
i get that c/c c/c c/r river is a line we might wanna take also with some KQ no hearts/JJ etc and we turn those in to bluffs and we kinda balanced.
Just dont see villain looking me up when he is behind a lot here