holy fuck just looked at notes - this seems pretty OP. There's this automatic thing that shows you notes about ranges, deviations from standard etc. like notecaddy I guess but built in
I have this on one dude:
[P] 3Bet Blind vs steals w/{AA,TT-QQ,AKs,AJo,KQo} (7)
[P] 3Bet range {TT+,77,AKs,AKo,AJo,KQo} (13)
[P] 4Bet+ range {JJ-QQ,99,66} (4)
[P] Attempted Steal then 4Bet {QQ,99,66} (3)
[P] Called 2Bet from blinds range {99,77,22-44,A9s,A5s,K5s,QJs,Q2s,JTs,J6s,86s,75s+,AJo,A7o-A8o,A3o,K9o-KTo,K6o,K3o,QTo} (27)
[P] Called 3Bets in position {TT} (1)
[T] Called two 1/2 Pot or greater barrels w/draw (2)
[T] Played turn draw aggressively (3)
[R] Bet 3rd barrel on river with air (1)
with this you have huge advantage if you datamine which is pretty scary, pretty sure people on stars still do it |