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Handnr: 102998 Submitted by : ShLiM
Players(max 10):
JustSiick (2 460,00 in seat 1)
noobas (1 025,00 in seat 2)
4jack (3 650,00 in seat 3)
nig_si85 (1 210,00 in seat 5)
Brottarn79 (1 655,00 in seat 7)
Dealer: JustSiick
Small Blind: noobas (50,00)
Big Blind: 4jack (100,00)
noobas was dealt: -
nig_si85 Raise (200,00)
Brottarn79 Fold
JustSiick Fold
noobas All-In (975,00)
4jack Fold
nig_si85 Call (825,00)
Flop - -
Turn - - -
River - - - -
noobas shows: - (two pairs, nines and eights)
nig_si85 shows: - (two pairs, nines and eights, with king as kicker)
nig_si85 wins: 2 150,00 (with two pairs, nines and eights, with king as kicker)
Rake: 0,00
Game ended 2006-11-21 23:32:05 GMT+01:00
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