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Show hand : 1032823

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Handnr: 1032823
Submitted by : Spitfiree

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 08:16:50 ET 2014
Table Suvanto II Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 5: Hero $25.84 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player2 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Hero posts big blind [$0.16 USD].

Dealt to Hero [KsKh ]
Player1 raises [$0.56 USD]
Player2 folds
Hero raises [$2.00 USD]
Player1 calls [$1.60 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Hero bets [$3.00 USD]
Player1 calls [$3.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $10.24)

Hero bets [$7.00 USD]
Player1 raises [$14.55 USD]
Hero calls [$7.55 USD]

River (Pot : $39.34)

Hero shows KsKh
Player1 shows Td3c
Player1 wins $38.50 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 08:07:51 ET 2014
Table Aquilegia II Real Money
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Hero $39.08 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player5 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player6 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].
Player3 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].

Dealt to Hero [6d9d ]
Hero raises [$0.48 USD]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises [$0.64 USD]
Player4 folds
Player5 calls [$0.72 USD]
Player6 folds
Hero calls [$0.32 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Player5 bets [$1.84 USD]
Hero calls [$1.84 USD]
Player3 raises [$9.20 USD]
Player5 raises [$12.87 USD]
Hero calls [$12.87 USD]

Turn (Pot : $45.18)


River (Pot : $74.28)

Player5 shows KsJs
Hero shows 6d9d
Player5 wins $10.88 USD from main pot
Player3 shows AdJh
Player5 wins $28.80 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 07:10:23 ET 2014
Table Alwine II Real Money
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 5: Hero $40.04 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player6 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].
Player1 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player2 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player4 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Hero posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player6 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].

Dealt to Hero [KdQs ]
Player2 calls [$0.16 USD]
Player4 folds
Hero raises [$0.64 USD]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls [$0.48 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Player2 bets [$0.16 USD]
Hero raises [$1.20 USD]
Player2 calls [$1.04 USD]

Turn (Pot : $47.58)

Player2 checks
Hero bets [$2.80 USD]
Player2 calls [$2.80 USD]

River (Pot : $82.28)

Player2 bets [$8.32 USD]
Hero calls [$8.32 USD]
Player2 shows 8d8h
Player2 wins $25.17 USD from main pot
Hero doesn't show KdQs
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 06:04:32 ET 2014
Table Aquilegia II Real Money
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Hero $16.64 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player3 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player4 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].

Dealt to Hero [TsAs ]
Player5 folds
Player6 raises [$0.48 USD]
Hero calls [$0.48 USD]
Player2 calls [$0.48 USD]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Player6 bets [$0.32 USD]
Hero raises [$1.76 USD]
Player2 folds
Player6 calls [$1.44 USD]

Turn (Pot : $51.10)

Player6 bets [$2.72 USD]
Hero calls [$2.72 USD]

River (Pot : $91.24)

Player6 bets [$6.81 USD]
Hero calls [$6.81 USD]
Player6 shows KsJd
Hero shows TsAs
Player6 wins $23.17 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 08:50:33 ET 2014
Table Pamina V Real Money
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $62.50 USD - VPIP: 84, PFR: 25, 3B: 19, AF: 1.1, Hands: 76 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 7, 3B: 3, AF: 1.1, Hands: 233 - VPIP: 48, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 0.7, Hands: 305 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261
Seat 6: Hero $49.49 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Hero posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].
Player1 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player2 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player3 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player4 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player5 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Hero posts ante of [$0.04 USD].

Dealt to Hero [JhQh ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises [$0.48 USD]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero calls [$0.40 USD]
Player1 calls [$0.32 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Hero checks
Player1 bets [$0.16 USD]
Player3 calls [$0.16 USD]
Hero raises [$1.60 USD]
Player1 calls [$1.44 USD]
Player3 folds

Turn (Pot : $54.46)

Hero bets [$2.64 USD]
Player1 calls [$2.64 USD]

River (Pot : $99.88)

Hero checks
Player1 bets [$2.56 USD]
Hero calls [$2.56 USD]
Player1 shows 9h8c
Player1 wins $14.75 USD from main pot
Hero doesn't show JhQh
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 06:31:47 ET 2014
Table Pecker III Real Money
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $46.88 USD - VPIP: 33, PFR: 7, 3B: 3, AF: 1.1, Hands: 233 - VPIP: 48, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 0.7, Hands: 305 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261
Seat 2: Hero $16.51 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player6 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].

Dealt to Hero [AcAs ]
Hero raises [$0.48 USD]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls [$0.40 USD]
Player1 calls [$0.32 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Player6 bets [$0.40 USD]
Player1 folds
Hero calls [$0.40 USD]

Turn (Pot : $55.26)

Player6 bets [$1.52 USD]
Hero calls [$1.52 USD]

River (Pot : $103.72)

Player6 bets [$4.56 USD]
Hero calls [$4.56 USD]
Player6 shows 9cQc
Player6 wins $13.75 USD from main pot
Hero doesn't show AcAs
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 06:20:12 ET 2014
Table Suvanto II Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $22.02 USD - VPIP: 48, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 0.7, Hands: 305 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261
Seat 5: Hero $16.06 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Player2 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player3 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].

Dealt to Hero [AhAc ]
Player4 folds
Hero raises [$0.48 USD]
Player6 calls [$0.48 USD]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Hero bets [$0.80 USD]
Player6 calls [$0.80 USD]

Turn (Pot : $56.86)

Hero bets [$1.60 USD]
Player6 calls [$1.60 USD]

River (Pot : $108.52)

Hero checks
Player6 bets [$3.30 USD]
Hero calls [$3.30 USD]
Player6 shows 9s6d
Hero shows AhAc
Player6 wins $12.03 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 07:00:11 ET 2014
Table Alwine II Real Money
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $63.61 USD - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261 - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261
Seat 5: Hero $40.94 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Hero posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player1 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].
Player1 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player3 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Hero posts ante of [$0.04 USD].

Dealt to Hero [KcKh ]
Player3 calls [$0.16 USD]
Hero raises [$0.56 USD]
Player1 folds
Player3 calls [$0.48 USD]

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Hero bets [$0.96 USD]
Player3 calls [$0.96 USD]

Turn (Pot : $58.78)

Hero bets [$2.24 USD]
Player3 raises [$4.48 USD]
Hero calls [$2.24 USD]

River (Pot : $119.40)

Hero checks
Player3 bets [$11.84 USD]
Hero folds
Player3 wins $11.84 USD
Player3 wins $11.88 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars

$16.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 04, 08:37:42 ET 2014
Table Alwine II Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $58.33 USD - VPIP: 49, PFR: 20, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 261
Seat 2: Player2 $102.33 USD - VPIP: 26, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 1.1, Hands: 790
Seat 4: Player4 $37.56 USD - VPIP: 17, PFR: 14, 3B: 17, AF: 1.0, Hands: 29
Seat 5: Hero $47.34 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2.0, Hands: 130943
Seat 6: Player6 $12.79 USD - VPIP: 29, PFR: 8, 3B: 3, AF: 3.2, Hands: 157
Player2 posts small blind [$0.08 USD].
Player4 posts big blind [$0.16 USD].
Player1 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player2 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player4 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Hero posts ante of [$0.04 USD].
Player6 posts ante of [$0.04 USD].

Dealt to Hero [QhKc ]
Hero raises [$0.48 USD]
Player6 folds
Player1 calls [$0.48 USD]
Player2 folds
Player4 folds

Flop (Pot : $4.24)

Hero bets [$0.88 USD]
Player1 calls [$0.88 USD]

Turn (Pot : $60.54)

Hero bets [$2.00 USD]
Player1 calls [$2.00 USD]

River (Pot : $125.16)

Hero checks
Player1 bets [$2.24 USD]
Hero calls [$2.24 USD]
Player1 shows Ac2c
Player1 wins $11.12 USD from main pot
Hero doesn't show QhKc

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Forum Index > pokerhands
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 04 2014 21:25. Posts 9634

aggro fishes had top range today :/

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jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. Apr 05 2014 07:05. Posts 2835

Why are you opening 96s UTG??

how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 05 2014 07:21. Posts 9634

Cuz there s a fish and a bad reg( guys i stacked off with ). True tho I should probably open 97s+


All hands submitted by Spitfiree:

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