nit 6m reg
plan was to cb f cc T but dunno why he bet so big there- it hits him a ton anyway
meh I though I'll put Ahigh under pressure, just good to find out what he calls early establish image. Still meh, guess people don't check back to fold there much.
Still.. 67 prolly better draw than fd to bluff with whavs
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at this point shit got out of hand we both started snap acting
i knew I wanted to snap raise R and he just saw me bluffing still should make it either smaller or just shove
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h5 that's the hand I posted, I block AT here some, have the best TP I have here as I'd 3b KJ vs the guy...just top of the range call
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h6 he was 3bing some 27% at this point
Still have to be careful when it gets to snapacting and me being a bit pissed I still tend to call too light - It's not terribad to call pre but it's just a tad light vs him. I didn't wanna 4b bluff much vs the guy tho
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Meh river I dunno
Dude's been such a hero in dem 2 hands - I just expected some A highs to give me a call there, pairs no doubt and think he'd bet strong hands mostly?
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like he was still despite snap acting and stuff folding to a good amount of 3bets, and let's be honest flatting Q4s sucks when he heroes me so much .Still it's meh 3b
turn is just YOLO fuck you he'll call worse some and if not well, I have equity 
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flop I'm like shiet this guy will c/r a good amount, I don't rly wanna stack off with the Ac here let's X let him bluff
T is fun- i think he'll barrel this card loads though on the river just have to call and risk the K rolling off. I don't have to protect vs Xc he might have gone for a cr flop with the ac too. think river's a mandatory ship here
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I literally never 5bet him no matter I guess
snapact HU really can get out of hand 
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