Preflop might be a fold considering we have no suits(which means you get freerolled on this turn sometimes), our pair is is small(which means we get set over setted, we get sucked out on easier vs bigger 2 pair), we have gaps in our hand(which makes our straights+draws weaker).
Flop is 4way, and our hand is pretty weak considering they can have tons of 2pair/sets+ big draws. I think it's better to c/c this weak draw or just fold(maybe represent flush if it hits). Instead you bet half pot which means your fold equity is going to be small.
Turn you hit the money card but you could of course be getting it in as an underdog vs the same hand+flush draw/set. Perhaps a turn call is better so we can bluff any river thats checked to us, but I don't know if that's superior to getting it in now.