Cashed out for holidays, moved, got too clingy with a chick, enjoyed summer too much, and voilla after all that downer 30k hands -18BI 
I'm turning shit around, 1-2 dates per week max no texting/emails except setting dates. Rigid schedule, 1 hour Mathematics of poker per day, hand targets daily, meditation, gym, sports, cutting alcohol, monday off for chores+planning and of course daily hand review targets. If you boys could help me with that I'd appreciate it. Summer's over, time to get to fucking work 
Ask for more info if you need it about the hand, criticise as you wish try to guess mental reasons for my spews and tell me if the hand fits my range or just ask me what my range is. I've gotten lazy and distracted as fuck.
PokerStars - $0.16 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
IchNixGood (SB): $19.18 (VPIP: 49.54, PFR: 32.93, 3Bet Preflop: 6.47, Hands: 347)
DoC.LemOn (BB): $16.29
[P] 3Bet range {JJ} (1)
[P] 4Bet+ range {AA} (1)
[P] Attempted Steal then 4Bet {AA} (1)
[P] Called 2Bet from blinds range {TT,J8s+,84s,A6o,A3o-A4o,KTo,K6o,QTo,J8o,T9o,87o,75o+} (20)
[P] Called 3Bets in position {TT,ATs,AJo-AQo} (4)
[P] Called 3Bets out of position with {ATs,A5s} (2)
[F] Donked paired flop without trips or better (1)
[F] Donks flop with top pair or better (1)
[T] Called two 1/2 Pot or greater barrels w/draw (1)
[T] Played turn draw aggressively (3)
[R] Bet river thin out of position (2)