you need to reraise SuperCoiao from .15 to .45+ like pavel did
people will go in with QQ, AK, AA, KK or random trash. remember that pavel might have a huge stack coz he's playing like a maniac, not because he's good
Last edit: 26/09/2014 20:59
Corde   United Kingdom. Sep 26 2014 21:35. Posts 1099
he folds a lot to 3 bet
Gnarly   United States. Sep 27 2014 00:52. Posts 1723
Diversify or fossilize!
Santafairy   Korea (South). Sep 27 2014 07:55. Posts 2240
take your chips and put them in the middle
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen