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Show hand : 1044341

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Handnr: 1044341
Submitted by : MetalGear

Seat 8: Dar1us 466.37 in chips - The button
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 203.00 in chips - Small Blind

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usJhAc
Dar1us: raises 3.00 to 4.00
Kimalbr1: raises 4.00 to 6.00
Dar1us: raises 24.00 to 28.00
Kimalbr1: calls 22.00

Flop (Pot : $0)
Kimalbr1: checks
Dar1us: bets 32.00
Kimalbr1: calls 32.00

Turn (Pot : $0)
Kimalbr1: checks
Dar1us: checks
Kimalbr1: bets 118.50
Dar1us: calls 118.50

Kimalbr1 shows2s Js
Dar1us showsJh Ac

Total pot 355.50 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedJhAc but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showed2sJs and won 355.50

Seat 8: Dar1us 846.17 in chips - The button
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 201.50 in chips - Small Blind

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usQsQc
Dar1us: raises 3.00 to 4.00
Kimalbr1: raises 10.00 to 12.00
Dar1us: raises 32.79 to 36.79
Kimalbr1: raises 189.50 to 201.50 and is all in
Dar1us: calls 164.71

Kimalbr1 showsJc Js
Dar1us showsQs Qc

Total pot 401.50 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedQsQc but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showedJcJs and won 401.50

Seat 8: Dar1us 169.69 in chips - Small Blind
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 1350.02 in chips - The button

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usAcQs
Kimalbr1: raises 7.00 to 8.00
Dar1us: raises 28.00 to 30.00
Kimalbr1: calls 22.00

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dar1us: bets 34.00
Kimalbr1: raises 1320.02 to 1320.02 and is all in
Dar1us: calls 135.00
Uncalled bet 1151.02 returned to Kimalbr1

Kimalbr1 shows5s Kc
Dar1us showsAc Qs

Total pot 396.50 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedAcQs but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showed5sKc and won 396.50

Seat 8: Dar1us 198.00 in chips - The button
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 1140.51 in chips - Small Blind

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usTcTd
Dar1us: raises 3.00 to 4.00
Kimalbr1: raises 10.00 to 12.00
Dar1us: raises 194.00 to 198.00 and is all in
Kimalbr1: calls 186.00

Kimalbr1 shows8s Ad
Dar1us showsTc Td

Total pot 394.50 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedTcTd but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showed8sAd and won 394.50

Seat 8: Dar1us 226.06 in chips - The button
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 890.45 in chips - Small Blind

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1us5s5c
Dar1us: raises 3.00 to 4.00
Kimalbr1: raises 10.00 to 12.00
Dar1us: raises 222.06 to 226.06 and is all in
Kimalbr1: calls 214.06

Kimalbr1 showsKd As
Dar1us shows5s 5c

Total pot 450.62 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showed5s5c but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showedKdAs and won 450.62

Seat 8: Dar1us 344.00 in chips - Small Blind
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 503.09 in chips - The button

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usJhAh
Kimalbr1: raises 7.00 to 8.00
Dar1us: raises 28.00 to 30.00
Kimalbr1: calls 22.00

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dar1us: bets 30.00
Kimalbr1: raises 473.09 to 473.09 and is all in
Dar1us: calls 284.00
Uncalled bet 159.09 returned to Kimalbr1

Kimalbr1 shows5d Ac
Dar1us showsJh Ah

Total pot 686.50 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedJhAh but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showed5dAc and won 686.50

Seat 8: Dar1us 203.56 in chips - Small Blind
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 263.53 in chips - The button

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to Dar1usKhKs
Kimalbr1: raises 7.00 to 8.00
Dar1us: raises 28.00 to 30.00
Kimalbr1: calls 22.00

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dar1us: bets 30.00
Kimalbr1: raises 233.53 to 233.53 and is all in
Dar1us: calls 143.56
Uncalled bet 59.97 returned to Kimalbr1

Kimalbr1 showsAh 4s
Dar1us showsKh Ks

Total pot 405.62 | Rake 1.50
Seat 8: Dar1us showedKhKs but did not win
Seat 9: Kimalbr1 showedAh4s and won 405.62

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