My ranges for this type of hand aren't perfectly defined, I just try to sometimes c-bet with weak single overcards. In this case I had an overcard hand that didn't have much showdown value but some very weak draw value (the queen and backdoor flush, and then the 7 gives showdown value too). I don't c-bet much with overcards because I don't like being blown off hands that should have good equity against villains range, and overcards have good equity and often showdown value, and facing aggression back I'll often be forced to fold, or make an awkward decision). Most of the time I'm trying to be polarized through the entire hand which means when i c-bet, overcards coming off those are generally bad cards for my range (which is kind of the opposite of most people's style, when they c-bet far too much to be balanced, and overcards are good). So I try to bet some more garbagy overcards to have a stronger range when overcards peel. |