Well clearly I wasn't trying to call flop to make a hand. But these regs play really straightforwardly (I put him mostly on AAxx or maybe some big cards). They will definitely shut down if they don't have the Q, and that I think I can make a profitable bluff if he shuts down onwards. I might have shoved blank turns, but on this turn I think I can delay my bluff because most of my Qs would now have improved into Qs full, and I have no need to protect against backdoor straights and flushes.
fira   United States. Sep 05 2015 03:53. Posts 6345
why would AA check/raise the flop? seems like his range is gonna be Qx and some random bluffs like gutters+backdoors, maybe an underpair with either gutters or bds. our hand has so little EV vs that range that i think this is just a fold. even an underpair (in our spot) has much more value since we can make a boat, and gutters can make a straight. basically my point is, we're gonna have tons of better hands to call the flop raise with.
Last edit: 05/09/2015 03:57
TianYuan   Korea (South). Sep 05 2015 09:25. Posts 6817
Don't open this UTG.
Flop is OK with 2 backdoors I suppose, but fold to the check raise for the love of god.