would have preferred just potting the flop I think, there isnt any reason not to just pot it right?
checking felt more natural on the turn, might be my holdem instincts tricking me though, is there enough huge combo draws in his range that are too likely to check behind that I should just pot turn?
Ryan Neilly   United States. Oct 11 2015 10:14. Posts 1643
i think u pot all ur draws so u must pot top set? then again i play up to nl100 plo..
TianYuan   Korea (South). Oct 11 2015 14:28. Posts 6817
Just pot call, your hand still needs protection and you don't want to miss value from his draws he can still have (99, Ass, some QT with spades or clubs etc). And I agree this is a spot where we just want to pot flop. It's not really a flop where you need to be raising anything you aren't stacking off with.
I guess what you're asking with your question is whether he'll bet/call everything he'd stack off with vs a bet, if we check, so we should check to get value from the parts of his range that folds to a bet? But I think you underestimate how bad calls people will make with draws (or worse made hands) here + how much equity their folding hands can still have vs you.