Did a quick mockup of flop turn betting ranges. Depending on how loosely you bet river, you might be able to fold this...
($fi50): (QQ,33,77,Q3,q7,Add,Kdd,Q:dd,AA:dd,KK:dd,Q56,Q54,546,54$np!(TT+),56!(TT+),46!(TT+),Q46,3$np,7$np,Ad$np)!(QQ,56,55,66,dd: (5,6)!(Q,37,34,47,KK,AA),33: (dd,5,6),77: (dd,5,6),54!(43,73,Q,74,KK+),Q7: (dd,5,6),Q4: (dd,5,6)): (Aq,52,AA,A7: (5,6),44,77,33): (52,AA: (5,6),AQ: (5,6),AA!dd,AQ!dd)
This is done really quickly and could have some big missed hand groups but if you vb like this you end up calling 45% of your river vb range (need to defend about 42% vs his sizing, a bit less in reality because it cost him money to get to river) and it all has a 5 or 6 blocker or no diamonds. If you vb all your A7 you only get to 31% calls here tho. It might still be fine vs most people to just vb it anyway and overfold to their craise.
I think folding here with your hand is probably ok. |