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Show hand : 1072396

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Handnr: 1072396
Submitted by : SwatRaven

[b]Hand Information[/b]
, 0.02 BB 6 handed .
Hand History converter courtesy of pokerhandreplays .com

[b]Table Information[/b]
Seat: 1 seat 1 $2 Small Blind
Seat: 3 seat 3 $2 Big Blind
Seat: 5 seat 5 $2
Seat: 6 [color=Red]seat 6[/color] $2
Seat: 8 seat 8 $2
Seat: 10 seat 10 $2 Dealer
Dealt to [color=Red]seat 6[/color]
[img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/AC.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/JH.png[/img]

[b]Preflop[/b] Pot:0.03
seat 5 [i]FOLD[/i]
[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]RAISE[/i] $0.05
seat 8 [i]CALL[/i]
seat 10 [i]FOLD[/i]
seat 1 [i]FOLD[/i]
seat 3 [i]FOLD[/i]

[b]Flop[/b] Pot: $0.13
[img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/JD.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/8H.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/6S.png[/img]

[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]BET[/i] $0.09
seat 8 [i]CALL[/i]

[b]Turn[/b] Pot: $0.31
[img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/JD.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/8H.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/6S.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/7S.png[/img]

[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]BET[/i] $0.2
seat 8 [i]RAISE[/i] $0.6
[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]CALL[/i]

[b]River[/b] Pot: $1.71
[img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/JD.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/8H.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/6S.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/7S.png[/img] [img]http://www.pokerhandreplays .com/images/poker_image/JC.png[/img]

[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]CHECK[/i]
seat 8 [i]BET[/i] $0.43
[color=Red]seat 6[/color] [i]CALL[/i]
[color=Red]seat 6[/color] MUCKS

seat 8 MUCKS

[color=Red]seat 6[/color] wins the pot: $2.57

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