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Show hand : 108937

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Handnr: 108937
Submitted by : Ket

Hand #37040209-26429 at Columbus (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 03/Dec/06 14:40:23

DrunkFish is at seat 0 with $1145 .25 .
bigbuck23 is at seat 1 with $600 .
Anaconda_ is at seat 2 with $1698 .75 .
tony13003 is at seat 3 with $196 .45 .
Foil_Shizzle is at seat 4 with $1041 .70 .
linhos is at seat 5 with $677 .85 .
The button is at seat 1 .

Anaconda_ posts the small blind of $3 .
tony13003 posts the big blind of $6 .

DrunkFish : 3sAs
bigbuck23: -- --
Anaconda_: -- --
tony13003: -- --
Foil_Shizzle: -- --
linhos : -- --

tony13003 has disconnected, is dropped .
Foil_Shizzle folds . linhos folds . DrunkFish raises
to $21 . bigbuck23 re-raises to $72 . Anaconda_
folds . tony13003 folds . DrunkFish re-raises to
$225 . bigbuck23 goes all-in for $600 . DrunkFish
calls .



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)


bigbuck23 showsJh7h .
bigbuck23 hasJhKh9sKsTh : a pair of kings .
DrunkFish shows3sAs .
DrunkFish has3sAs9sKs6s : flush, ace high .


$3 is raked from a pot of $1209 .
DrunkFish wins $1206 with flush, ace high .

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ggplz   Sweden. Dec 03 2006 13:00. Posts 16784


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if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 


All hands submitted by Ket:

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