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Handnr: 109891 Submitted by : n0rthf4ce
Hand #37040993-11117 at Penfield (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 05/Dec/06 02:30:12
Stairway23 is at seat 0 with $14 .15 .
thehavenot is at seat 1 with $52 .90 .
p3achy_keen is at seat 2 with $112 .75 .
Xeric is at seat 3 with $75 .95 .
uYNamron is at seat 4 with $50 .95 .
turtleman59 is at seat 5 with $78 .20 .
The button is at seat 3 .
uYNamron posts the small blind of $ .25 .
turtleman59 posts the big blind of $ .50 .
Holecards Stairway23: -- --
thehavenot: -- --
Xeric : -- --
uYNamron: -- --
turtleman59: -- --
Stairway23 folds . thehavenot folds . p3achy_keen
raises to $1 .75 . Xeric re-raises to $5 . uYNamron
folds . turtleman59 folds . p3achy_keen goes all-in
for $112 .75 . Xeric goes all-in for $75 .95 .
p3achy_keen is returned $36 .80 (uncalled) .
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
p3achy_keen shows .
p3achy_keen has    : full house, queens full of nines .
Xeric shows .
Xeric has    : three nines .
$3 is raked from a pot of $152 .65 .
p3achy_keen wins $149 .65 with full house, queens full of nines .
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