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Show hand : 1099993

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Handnr: 1099993
Submitted by : YoMeR

GAME #4690190988 Version: Uncalled:Y Texas Holdem NL $2.50/$5 2024-09-13 19:27:28/GMT
Table Table33125658
Seat 2: Hero $535.67 in chips
Seat 3: P8-931751JT $442.36 in chips
Seat 4: P9-393026VS $500.00 in chips
Seat 5: P1-589285NJ $612.92 in chips
Seat 6: P2-351402VL $386.32 in chips
Seat 9: P4-265252QJ $566.20 in chips
Seat 10: P5-872015VF $525.00 in chips DEALER
Hero: Post SB $2.50
P8-931751JT: Post BB $5.00

Dealt to HeroAdKc
P9-393026VS: Fold
P1-589285NJ: Fold
P2-351402VL: Raise NF $12.50
P4-265252QJ: Fold
P5-872015VF: Fold
Hero: Raise NF $45.00
P8-931751JT: Fold
P2-351402VL: Allin $373.82
Hero: Call $341.32

Flop (Pot : $777.64)


Turn (Pot : $777.64)


River (Pot : $777.64)


Total pot $773.64 Rake $4.00
P2-351402VL: ShowsKsAh High Card, Ace
Hero: ShowsAdKc Flush, King High
Hero: wins $773.64

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