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Show hand : 111591

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Handnr: 111591
Submitted by : SakiSaki

Getting Hand History Information . . .

Hand #37040001-39659 at Bellville (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 08/Dec/06 00:55:33

PokerLOL is at seat 0 with $167 .40 (sitting out) .
Xyven is at seat 1 with $186 .
Daltonator is at seat 2 with $376 .40 .
Sittin Plush is at seat 3 with $401 .85 .
SakiSaki is at seat 4 with $222 .
SicklyTired is at seat 5 with $634 .30 .
The button is at seat 5 .

Xyven posts the small blind of $1 .
Daltonator posts the big blind of $2 .

Xyven: -- --
Daltonator: -- --
Sittin Plush : -- --
SakiSaki: JhJd
SicklyTired : -- --

Sittin Plush raises to $7 . SakiSaki re-raises to $24 .
SicklyTired folds . Xyven folds . Daltonator folds .
Sittin Plush calls .



Sittin Plush checks . SakiSaki bets $42 . Sittin
Plush calls .



Sittin Plush checks . SakiSaki bets $111 . Sittin
Plush goes all-in for $335 .85 . SakiSaki goes all-in
for $156 . Sittin Plush is returned $179 .85
(uncalled) .



(no action in this round)


Sittin Plush showsAsAh .
Sittin Plush hasAsAhJsAdJc : full house, aces full of jacks .
SakiSaki showsJhJd .
SakiSaki hasJhJdJsAdJc : four jacks .


$2 is raked from a pot of $447 .
SakiSaki wins $445 with four jacks .

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Minion   Brasil. Dec 07 2006 23:04. Posts 2112

haahha pwned

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ggplz   Sweden. Dec 07 2006 23:16. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 


All hands submitted by SakiSaki:

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