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Show hand : 122196

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Handnr: 122196
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5540010054 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:30969414 Level:18 Blinds-Antes(10000/20000 -500) - Thursday, December 28, 14:03:31 ET 2006
Table Speed Rebuy (896124) Table #3 (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: pedro75111 ( 23375 )
Seat 5: ladykjb ( 75535 )
Seat 6: AttilaHU ( 8600 )
Seat 7: martin286 ( 14350 )
Seat 8: wolfheart_en ( 122569 )
Seat 10: Buiten27 ( 74015 )
Seat 2: Pheijden ( 51750 )
Seat 9: BenLeeroy ( 126625 )
Seat 3: ILHAN1309 ( 87752 )
Seat 4: raven013 ( 16825 )
Trny:30969414 Level:18
Blinds-Antes(10000/20000 -500)
pedro75111 posts ante [500].
Pheijden posts ante [500].
ILHAN1309 posts ante [500].
raven013 posts ante [500].
ladykjb posts ante [500].
AttilaHU posts ante [500].
martin286 posts ante [500].
wolfheart_en posts ante [500].
BenLeeroy posts ante [500].
Buiten27 posts ante [500].

Dealt to wolfheart_en KdKh
wolfheart_en: jees
wolfheart_en: i got KK yes all in baby
pedro75111: 10 6 , 7 2 ,... take chance..i can't
Buiten27 folds
wolfheart_en: :D
wolfheart_en: all in baby
BenLeeroy: aa
wolfheart_en: take the chance
wolfheart_en: good i get king on turn then
wolfheart_en: cant fold
pedro75111 will be using his time bank for this hand.
wolfheart_en: i raise
pedro75111 folds
BenLeeroy: aa
wolfheart_en: kk
BenLeeroy: ok
wolfheart_en: call if u have balls
Pheijden folds
ILHAN1309 calls [20000]
BenLeeroy: )
wolfheart_en: stupid ilhan i put all in
wolfheart_en: u see
wolfheart_en: i got kk
raven013 folds
ladykjb folds
AttilaHU will be using his time bank for this hand.
AttilaHU folds
martin286 folds
wolfheart_en is all-In [112069]
wolfheart_en: show aa
BenLeeroy folds
ILHAN1309 is all-In [67252]

Flop (Pot : $204321)


Turn (Pot : $204321)


River (Pot : $204321)

wolfheart_en shows KdKh two pairs, Kings and Tens.
ILHAN1309 shows 6d7h a pair of Tens.
wolfheart_en wins 34817 chips from side pot #1 with two pairs, Kings and Tens.
wolfheart_en wins 199504 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Kings and Tens.
Player ILHAN1309 finished in 89.
did i lie ?

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