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Show hand : 124597

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Handnr: 124597
Submitted by : Tajike

Table #438637 - Great Keppel Island
Starting Hand #23093360
Last Hand #23092986

Game Type: Hold'em
Limit Type: No Limit
Table Type: Ring
Money Type: REAL MONEY
Blinds are now $0 .25/$0 .50
Button is at seat 10
Seat 2: Tajike - $60 .04
Seat 3: LunKKi - $25 .14
Seat 4: model - $30 .13
Seat 5: Raoul65 - $34 .77
Seat 6: Ghost61 - $49 .50
Seat 7: herod - $72 .27
Seat 8: dronebone - $35 .68
Seat 9: Mike260986 - $44 .99
Seat 10: Hitman1984 - $76 .48
Moving Button to seat 2
LunKKi posts small blind ($0 .25)
model posts big blind ($0 .50)
Shuffling Deck
Dealing Cards
Dealing KsKd] to Tajike
Raoul65 folds
Ghost61 folds
herod folds
dronebone folds
Mike260986 folds
Hitman1984 folds
Tajike raises to $1 .50
LunKKi folds
model calls $1 .50
Dealing Flop TdTcJh]
model checks
Tajike bets $1 .75
model calls $1 .75
Dealing Turn 3d]
model checks
Tajike bets $3
model raises to $6
Tajike calls $6
Dealing River 6h]
model bets $8
Tajike calls $8
Taking Rake of $1 .73 from pot 1
model shows 6s8h]
model has Two Pairs : 10s,6s
Tajike shows KsKd]
Tajike has Two Pairs : Kings, 10s
Tajike wins $33 .02 with : Two Pairs : Kings, 10s
Seat 2: Tajike - $75 .81
Seat 3: LunKKi - $24 .89
Seat 4: model - $12 .88
Seat 5: Raoul65 - $34 .77
Seat 6: Ghost61 - $49 .50
Seat 7: herod - $72 .27
Seat 8: dronebone - $35 .68
Seat 9: Mike260986 - $44 .99
Seat 10: Hitman1984 - $76 .48
End Of Hand #23093360

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