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Show hand : 127723

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Handnr: 127723
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5565654828 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny: 31120852 Level: 7 Blinds(300/600) - Sunday, January 07, 13:08:03 ET 2007
Table 6K Gtd Speed Rebuy (900622) Table #30 (Real Money)
Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: chilly277 ( 69690 )
Seat 2: wolfheart_en ( 7450 )
Seat 3: richh ( 12100 )
Seat 4: SCB31 ( 24500 )
Seat 5: arzzkicker ( 1140 )
Seat 6: Bendixen222 ( 1130 )
Seat 7: jafar88 ( 12900 )
Seat 9: elinn86 ( 15860 )
Seat 10: AWinPlz ( 19990 )
Seat 8: tsadek ( 11600 )
Trny: 31120852 Level: 7

Dealt to wolfheart_en KcQd
chilly277 calls [600]
wolfheart_en calls [600]
richh folds
SCB31 calls [600]
arzzkicker folds
Bendixen222 folds
jafar88 folds
tsadek folds
elinn86 calls [300]
AWinPlz checks

Flop (Pot : $2100)

elinn86 bets [600]
AWinPlz folds
chilly277 calls [600]
wolfheart_en calls [600]
SCB31 folds

Turn (Pot : $3900)

elinn86 checks
chilly277 checks
wolfheart_en checks

River (Pot : $3900)

elinn86 bets [2400]
chilly277 calls [2400]
wolfheart_en is all-In [6250]
elinn86 is all-In [12260]
chilly277 folds
elinn86 shows 5sKs a full house, Kings full of Fives.
wolfheart_en shows KcQd a full house, Kings full of Queens.
elinn86 wins 8410 chips from side pot #1 with a full house, Kings full of Fives.
wolfheart_en wins 19700 chips from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Queens.

***** Hand History for Game 5565658342 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:31120852 Level:8 Blinds-Antes(400/800 -25) - Sunday, January 07, 13:08:22 ET 2007
Table 6K Gtd Speed Rebuy (900622) Table #30 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: chilly277 ( 66090 )
Seat 2: wolfheart_en ( 19700 )
Seat 3: richh ( 12100 )
Seat 4: SCB31 ( 23900 )
Seat 5: arzzkicker ( 1140 )
Seat 6: Bendixen222 ( 1130 )
Seat 7: jafar88 ( 12900 )
Seat 9: elinn86 ( 8410 )
Seat 10: AWinPlz ( 19390 )
Seat 8: tsadek ( 11600 )
Trny:31120852 Level:8
Blinds-Antes(400/800 -25)
chilly277 posts ante [25].
wolfheart_en posts ante [25].
richh posts ante [25].
SCB31 posts ante [25].
arzzkicker posts ante [25].
Bendixen222 posts ante [25].
jafar88 posts ante [25].
tsadek posts ante [25].
elinn86 posts ante [25].
AWinPlz posts ante [25].

Dealt to wolfheart_en AcKh
wolfheart_en is all-In [19675]
richh folds
SCB31 is all-In [23875]
arzzkicker folds
Bendixen222 folds
jafar88 is all-In [12875]
tsadek is all-In [11575]
elinn86 folds
AWinPlz folds
chilly277 folds

Flop (Pot : $2100)


Turn (Pot : $3900)


River (Pot : $95460)

wolfheart_en shows AcKh a pair of Twos.
SCB31 shows AsJd a pair of Twos.
jafar88 shows KcJc a pair of Twos.
tsadek shows AhJs a pair of Twos.
SCB31 wins 4200 chips from side pot #3 with a pair of Twos.
wolfheart_en wins 13600 chips from side pot #2 with a pair of Twos with King kicker.
wolfheart_en wins 3900 chips from side pot #1 with a pair of Twos with King kicker.
wolfheart_en wins 47750 chips from the main pot with a pair of Twos with King kicker.
Re-buy: SCB31 re-buys 3000 chips and the chip stack increases from 4200 chips to 7200 chips.
Re-buy: jafar88 re-buys 3000 chips and the chip stack increases from 0 chips to 3000 chips.
waiting for tsadek to rebuy in 30 seconds to continue playing in the tournament
Player tsadek finished in 845.

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