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Show hand : 128919

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Handnr: 128919
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5571394052 *****
$0.50/$1 Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, January 09, 16:24:50 ET 2007
Table Table 126499 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: Peter_1982 ( $39.25 )
Seat 3: wolfheart_en ( $56.05 )
Seat 1: Tschaldowar ( $22.50 )
Seat 6: Dinkiedaudau ( $22.75 )
Seat 5: tino_s ( $23.75 )
Seat 4: normil ( $25 )
tino_s posts small blind [$0.25].
Dinkiedaudau posts big blind [$0.50].

Dealt to wolfheart_en AcKc
Tschaldowar folds
Peter_1982 calls [$0.50]
wolfheart_en raises [$1]
tino_s folds
Dinkiedaudau calls [$0.50]
Peter_1982 calls [$0.50]

Flop (Pot : $3.25)

Dinkiedaudau bets [$0.50]
Peter_1982 raises [$1]
wolfheart_en raises [$1.50]
Dinkiedaudau calls [$1]
Peter_1982 raises [$1]
wolfheart_en calls [$0.50]
Dinkiedaudau calls [$0.50]

Turn (Pot : $9.25)

Dinkiedaudau bets [$1]
Peter_1982 raises [$2]
wolfheart_en calls [$2]
Dinkiedaudau calls [$1]

River (Pot : $15.25)

Dinkiedaudau checks
Peter_1982 bets [$1]
wolfheart_en calls [$1]
Dinkiedaudau calls [$1]
Peter_1982 shows 8d8s a full house, Eights full of Tens.
wolfheart_en doesn't show AcKc two pairs, Aces and Tens.
Dinkiedaudau doesn't show 3s9s a pair of Tens.
Peter_1982 wins $17.50 from the main pot with a full house, Eights full of Tens.

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wolfheart   Estonia. Jan 09 2007 14:26. Posts 7592

Fold on turn or not ?

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Never give up. 

Red9   Canada. Jan 09 2007 14:30. Posts 7447

dau calls with 9 high...hahahaha

I will grind you into dust. 

Thijs1   Netherlands. Jan 09 2007 14:46. Posts 1299

why raise so small pf ? And i would make a decent reraise on the flop to see where u stand, and take it from there

aint no to tuition for having no ambitionLast edit: 09/01/2007 14:48

bohus04   Czech Republic. Jan 09 2007 15:04. Posts 536

9 high call rulez

Trust me, I am a poker player. 


All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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