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Show hand : 128993

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Handnr: 128993
Submitted by : Hoolz_1907

Getting Hand History Information . . .

Hand #38348547-4153 at Northumberland (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 09/Jan/07 18:35:32

tallestack is at seat 0 with $26 .85 (sitting out) .
Hoolz_1907 is at seat 1 with $42 .15 .
radiohead86 is at seat 2 with $17 .40 .
walleye88 is at seat 3 with $9 .35 .
Guitarlvr is at seat 4 with $22 .45 .
ad2008 is at seat 5 with $26 .45 .
The button is at seat 1 .

radiohead86 posts the small blind of $ .10 .
walleye88 posts the big blind of $ .25 .

Hoolz_1907: AhQd
radiohead86: -- --
walleye88: -- --
Guitarlvr: -- --
ad2008: -- --

Guitarlvr folds . ad2008 raises to $ .85 . Hoolz_1907
calls . radiohead86 folds . walleye88 folds .



ad2008 bets $1 .25 . Hoolz_1907 raises to $4 . ad2008
calls .



ad2008 checks . Hoolz_1907 bets $6 . ad2008 calls .



ad2008 goes all-in for $15 .60 . Hoolz_1907 calls .


ad2008 showsKhQc .
ad2008 hasKhQcQs6hJd : a pair of queens .
Hoolz_1907 showsAhQd .
Hoolz_1907 hasAhQdQs6hJd : a pair of queens, ace/jack kickers .


$2 is raked from a pot of $53 .25 .
Hoolz_1907 wins $51 .25 with a pair of queens .

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Forum Index > pokerhands
Hoolz_1907   United Kingdom. Jan 09 2007 16:39. Posts 2791

erf, any way to get in a less tougher spot on the river?

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Look at his hand and equities, what do you expect him to have here, uno cards? - TianYuan 


All hands submitted by Hoolz_1907:

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