capaneo   Canada. Feb 06 2007 11:20. Posts 8465
No read on the other guy but I know vxcr7 is not that great of a player
In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber
nutshot   United States. Feb 06 2007 11:21. Posts 4539
flush/combo draw and a set, probably. unless they're complete morons. to call, you'd have to hope for a8/aj/ak and a flush draw as their hands. and not have the flush get there.
kinda gross... but i think it's a fold
edit: would vxcr7 do that with ak/aj/a8? if he would.. then maybe you could convince yourself the pusher has a draw. i think you can pick a better spot, though.
BJLTNYK: d00000000000000000000000000000000000000d
Last edit: 06/02/2007 11:22
Fraser   Canada. Feb 06 2007 11:35. Posts 4605
with only one hand im scared of i'd have alot of trouble laying this down here...
I think you should call without knowing the player.
rebuyboy   Canada. Feb 07 2007 03:43. Posts 158