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Show hand : 14335

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Handnr: 14335
Submitted by : n0rthf4ce

***** Hand History for Game 3695995236 *****
0/0 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Wed Mar 08 19:08:37 EST 2006
Table My Chepita (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: bluffyou_NOW ( $195)
Seat 2: zutang44 ( $198)
Seat 3: roscoe19 ( $186)
Seat 4: iqueLoque ( $151.01)
Seat 5: lazey41 ( $210.80)
Seat 6: Hollywade ( $230)
Seat 7: mikefiume ( $158.40)
Seat 8: LuckyHart123 ( $124.04)
Seat 9: ChiWah ( $134.25)
Seat 10: VeGaS_HiLiFe ( $215.87)
bluffyou_NOW posts small blind (1)
zutang44 posts big blind (2)

Dealt to bluffyou_NOW KsAh
roscoe19 raises (8) to 8
iqueLoque folds.
lazey41 folds.
Hollywade folds.
mikefiume calls (8)
LuckyHart123 raises (124.04) to 124.04
LuckyHart123 is all-In.
bluffyou_NOW: dunno how 7-10 lost
ChiWah folds.
VeGaS_HiLiFe folds.
bluffyou_NOW raises (194) to 195
bluffyou_NOW is all-In.
zutang44 folds.
roscoe19 folds.
mikefiume calls (150.40)
mikefiume is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $379.12 with LuckyHart123
Creating Side Pot 1 with $68.72 with mikefiume
Creating Side Pot 2 with $36.60 with bluffyou_NOW
** Dealing Flop ** : [3d,2d,6c ]
zutang44: wtf is going on?
** Dealing Turn ** : [7s ]
** Dealing River ** : [2h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $379.12 | Side Pot 1: $68.72 | Side Pot 2: $36.60 | Rake: $3
Board: [3d2d6c7s2h ]

bluffyou_NOW balance $484.44, bet $195, collected $484.44, net +$289.44 KsAh [ a pair of twos with ace kicker --AhKs7s2d,2hAh(kicker card) ]
zutang44 balance $196, lost $2 (folded)
roscoe19 balance $178, lost $8 (folded)
iqueLoque balance $151.01, didn't bet (folded)
lazey41 balance $210.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hollywade balance $230, didn't bet (folded)
mikefiume balance $0, lost $158.40 9dAd [ a pair of twos with ace kicker --Ad9d7s2d,2hAd(kicker card) ]

LuckyHart123 balance $0, lost $124.04 4cTh [ a pair of twos --Th7s6c2d2h ]

ChiWah balance $134.25, didn't bet (folded)
VeGaS_HiLiFe balance $215.87, didn't bet (folded)

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Zorglub   Denmark. Mar 08 2006 18:44. Posts 2870


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I started out with nothing and I still got most of it left 


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