Tycho   Netherlands. Feb 22 2007 04:07. Posts 1553
raise a lot harder on flop
Poker is fun.
Day[9]   United States. Feb 22 2007 04:36. Posts 3447
I agree with Tycho
Its pretty important to raise the flop very very very hard. This will do 2 things
1) it will get value out of people w/ worse hands (people will call alot w/ jacks and you can win their whole stack)
2) it makes your future decisions much easier. For example, if you raised to 4$ and then someone immediately pushed allin, you could probably fold this pretty easily. Or, if some guy who calls all the time calls here, you can probably fire anothe bet on the turn
Link0   United States. Feb 22 2007 04:50. Posts 160
Day you are my new best friend you too tycho thanks again guys.