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Show hand : 153277

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Handnr: 153277
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5726812724 *****
$10 NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, March 02, 15:07:57 ET 2007
Table Table 127085 (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: wolfheart_en ( $27.85 )
Seat 9: msandor ( $24.43 )
Seat 10: hallynektar ( $11.90 )
Seat 5: deboddes ( $14.30 )
Seat 4: GiantsDowN ( $9.85 )
Seat 3: k1r1ll ( $2 )
Seat 6: lubbert222 ( $3.05 )
Seat 7: stefkele ( $8.27 )
Seat 2: clarky_28 ( $9.80 )
Seat 8: tiingTangh ( $1.90 )
wolfheart_en posts small blind [$0.05].
clarky_28 posts big blind [$0.10].

Dealt to wolfheart_en AsKs
k1r1ll folds
GiantsDowN folds
deboddes folds
lubbert222 calls [$0.10]
stefkele calls [$0.10]
tiingTangh raises [$0.60]
msandor folds
hallynektar folds
wolfheart_en raises [$1.85]
clarky_28 folds
lubbert222 folds
stefkele calls [$1.80]
tiingTangh folds

Flop (Pot : $4.6)

wolfheart_en bets [$2.60]
stefkele is all-In [$6.37]
wolfheart_en calls [$3.77]

Turn (Pot : $17.34)


River (Pot : $17.34)

wolfheart_en shows AsKs a pair of Kings.
stefkele shows 9dKd two pairs, Kings and Nines.
stefkele wins $16.49 from the main pot with two pairs, Kings and Nines.

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wolfheart   Estonia. Mar 02 2007 13:08. Posts 7592

damn so scary board for AK

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Never give up. 

Critterer   United Kingdom. Mar 02 2007 13:17. Posts 5337

god what the fuck calling a big reraise preflop with k9 gg

LudaHid: dam.ned dam.ned dam.ned. LudaHid: dam.ned northwooden as..hole 


All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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