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Show hand : 154210

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Handnr: 154210
Submitted by : Twisted

Hand #39412565-50143 at Columbus (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 04/Mar/07 11:47:39

Ramses7 is at seat 0 with $668 .10 .
OJ_Pimpson is at seat 1 with $380 .75 .
schumacher10 is at seat 2 with $464 .75 .
Fish1984 is at seat 3 with $882 .25 .
RichS1728 is at seat 4 with $331 .60 .
Killer_O is at seat 5 with $120 .
The button is at seat 0 .

OJ_Pimpson posts the small blind of $3 .
schumacher10 posts the big blind of $6 .

Ramses7: -- --
OJ_Pimpson: -- --
schumacher10: -- --
Fish1984: JcJd
RichS1728: -- --
Killer_O: -- --

Fish1984 raises to $21 . RichS1728 re-raises to $45 .
Killer_O folds . Ramses7 folds . OJ_Pimpson folds .
schumacher10 folds . Fish1984 calls .



Fish1984 checks . RichS1728 bets $99 . Fish1984
raises to $396 . RichS1728 goes all-in for $286 .60 .
Fish1984 is returned $109 .40 (uncalled) .



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)


Fish1984 showsJcJd .
Fish1984 hasJcJd8sTcQh : a pair of jacks .
RichS1728 showsJhTh .
RichS1728 hasJhTh8sTcQh : a pair of tens .


$3 is raked from a pot of $672 .20 .
Fish1984 wins $669 .20 with a pair of jacks .

This guy donated like 700$ to me in a short session lol .

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Twisted    Netherlands. Mar 04 2007 10:39. Posts 10422

Submitted by : Twisted

Hand #39412565-50200 at Columbus (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 04/Mar/07 12:09:58

zehnq is at seat 1 with $311 .10 .
Fish1984 is at seat 3 with $1110 .45 .
RichS1728 is at seat 4 with $271 .
BAN is at seat 5 with $210 .75 .
The button is at seat 3 .

RichS1728 posts the small blind of $3 .
BAN posts the big blind of $6 .

zehnq: -- --
Fish1984: KcAc
RichS1728: -- --
BAN: -- --

zehnq folds . Fish1984 raises to $21 . RichS1728
re-raises to $69 . BAN folds . Fish1984 re-raises to
$595 .50 . RichS1728 goes all-in for $271 . Fish1984
is returned $324 .50 (uncalled) .



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)


Fish1984 showsKcAc .
Fish1984 hasKcAcThKsQd : a pair of kings .
RichS1728 shows5hAd .
RichS1728 hasAdTh8dKsQd : ace high .


$2 is raked from a pot of $548 .
Fish1984 wins $546 with a pair of kings .

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Twisted    Netherlands. Mar 04 2007 10:39. Posts 10422

Submitted by : Twisted

Hand #37041188-113377 at Hartland (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 04/Mar/07 12:05:38

RichS1728 is at seat 0 with $113 .90 .
zestfulyclean is at seat 1 with $455 .20 .
focker11 is at seat 2 with $329 .80 .
ValueKill is at seat 3 with $363 .60 .
Fish1984 is at seat 4 with $613 .80 .
Laddiesboy is at seat 5 with $400 .
The button is at seat 0 .

zestfulyclean posts the small blind of $2 .
focker11 posts the big blind of $4 .

RichS1728: -- --
zestfulyclean: -- --
focker11: -- --
ValueKill: -- --
Fish1984: AhKd

ValueKill folds . Fish1984 raises to $14 . RichS1728
re-raises to $48 . zestfulyclean folds . focker11
folds . Fish1984 re-raises to $150 . RichS1728 goes
all-in for $113 .90 . Fish1984 is returned $36 .10
(uncalled) .



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)


Fish1984 showsAhKd .
Fish1984 hasAhKd7dQh7h : a pair of sevens .
RichS1728 showsAd8h .
RichS1728 hasAd7dQh7h9c : a pair of sevens, ace/queen kickers .


$2 is raked from a pot of $233 .80 .
Fish1984 wins $231 .80 with a pair of sevens .


All hands submitted by Twisted:

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